Page 5 of Fate Heals

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Like clockwork, my meal arrives. At least I think it’s around the same time every day. The eyes of a creepy guy scan my body making me shiver from disgust. He puckers his lips, sending a kiss through the air. My body convulses as if it can feel his lips. I watch him with caution, my handcuffed hands clenching as I try to breathe through his heinous stare without saying something that will only egg him on.

He bends down slowly, placing my food and drink on the ground, his gaze never leaving me. Chills run down my spine. I can sense something is different. The way he carefully lays my food down, it’s almost too cautious. He licks his lips when he stands, stretching his hands out and cracking them. I flinch at the sound, which makes him smile.

I’m already on my bed, sitting up, but I scoot back trying to separate myself from the monster. A deep growl erupts from his lips as he sticks his hands down his pants.

Panic rushes through me, and I nervously glance around the room. This can’t happen. He laughs at my obvious state of terror then pulls his dick out and starts stroking himself. He moans as his hand increases its speed, his dark eyes never leaving my body. I want to close my eyes and not watch the pervert get off, but I’m afraid if I do, I won’t be ready if he decides to attack me. So my eyes lock with his. I will not give him the satisfaction of looking down.

“You want this dick, bitch?” he growls. “You want me to come down that beautiful mouth of yours?”

I clench my teeth, willing myself to shut the hell up. Don’t say anything. Just let him get off and he’ll leave. His groans intensify as his orgasm rips through him. His eyes finally release their hold on mine as his body convulses. Mine does the same but in revulsion.

His evil smile widens as he puts his dick back in his pants. “I’ll see you tomorrow, bitch,” he snickers. When he leaves and I can hear the second door slam, I blow out a ragged breath. My heart is racing. I drop my head and the tears run down my face.

Hurry, Aiden. I don’t think I have much more time. I’ve been here a week already. They have to be close to finding me. Please, God, lead them here.

I must have fallen asleep from the adrenaline crash. I don’t know how much time has passed. It’s still light outside, so it must not have been that long. I stare at my food waiting for me. Cheese sandwich and water. My stomach grumbles at the sight of food. I uncross my legs and stretch. My legs ache from falling asleep with them underneath me. I push off the bed and walk slowly to my food. I inspect it, making sure he didn’t come all over it. I gag just thinking about it.

I walk it back to my bed, looking over the whole thing. Everything seems okay, so I eat. Slowly. I’ve learned if I eat too fast, I can’t keep it down. Taking small bites, I watch the sky through the small, dark, dusty window. I can tell the sky is clear today. I wonder if it’s hot or cold outside. The air is humid down here, but I’m not sure if that’s because I’m in a damp basement or if I’ve been taken to a warm environment. New York is freezing right now, so I don’t think I’m there anymore.

I finish my food and water, placing the dishes as close to the door as I can get so whoever comes in and gets it won’t need to get close to me. I go to the bathroom before sitting back down on my bed. I should walk around, but for some reason I’m still tired.

I blink a few times as my eyesight starts to blur. I pick up my hands, looking at them. They feel heavy. I feel heavy. When the room starts to spin, I panic. No. No. NO! I lean over the bed and stick my finger down my throat. Nothing comes up, so I keep trying. My world starts to go dark and I know I’ve been drugged. Again.

I can feel my quick breaths as I open my eyes. A piece of errant hair lies on top of my face, so I lift my hand to move it but it stops when the handcuffs catch my wrists. My chain must be stuck on something. I wiggle my wrist around again and pull, but I can’t move any farther. My eyelids still feel heavy and my body weak. I drop my hand, tired of trying to unhook it, and close my eyes.

I take a deep breath in, getting a whiff of … soap? The new smell sends a surge of energy through me. I pry my eyes open and try to sit up. Again, my hands are stuck above my head. I shake them violently, trying to get loose. The bed squeaks and scrapes the floor the harder I try.

A deep, familiar laugh causes me to freeze. My heartbeat is about to jump out of my skin. The room is dark as I scan it. I know that laugh, but I can’t place it. Movement in the corner catches my attention; I can see the outline of a large man sitting there. The smell of soap invades my senses again, and I look down my body. It’s clean. It’s then I notice my hair is clean and still wet.

Realization dawns on me that my hands aren’t caught, they are tied to the bed. The man stands and comes into the light shining in from my little window.

Panic shoots through me like I’ve been electrocuted. No, it can’t be. I pull on my restraints as hard as I can. I can feel my skin ripping, but it’s the least of my concerns right now.

“Still a feisty one,” he snarls, walking closer to me. “But this time, no one is going to save you.”

I let out whimper. I know what’s about to happen, and I can’t do anything to stop it. Joe is going to get what he wanted last year.

He grabs one of my legs. I scream, kicking and thrashing against his hold. It only spurs him on as his laugh booms louder. He’s much stronger than the last time I saw him.

He straddles me, sitting on my thighs so I can’t move anymore. His gaze moves up and down my body. “You’re still beautiful, Emily.” He chuckles. “Or should I call you Addison?” He digs his thumb into my broken rib. I writhe and scream out in pain. “I see you’ve met my dad, Rico. He wasn’t too happy when your dad ordered a hit on me. You remember Bill, right? Travis was an idiot who trusted the wrong people. He’s getting soft in his old age. He had no idea who I was. It’s too bad everyone has a price.” He laughs out loud. “Bill was a dumbass thinking we would help him disappear with a ton of money and a new identity if he didn’t kill me. We were definitely going to help him disappear alright; he just needed to stick around until the dust settled after I was gone. But, fuck, did it go a lot better than planned when he told Jett, a fucking undercover FBI agent, I was sitting at the bottom of the Hudson River. Who knew? Thank God he waited long enough for the poor motherfucker’s body we used to decompose.” His bitter laugh sends chills across my body.

I clench my jaw shut. I don’t hear most of what he’s saying as silent pleas run through my head. Please don’t do this. Please let someone find me right now.Please bring back the guy who jacked off watching me. Tears sting my face as they fall.

“This is how you thank me for washing you?” he says softly, catching a tear on my cheek and slowly running his finger down my body, all the way to my clit. My body burns where his finger touches, yet trembles like it’s freezing. I bite my lip so the panic can’t escape as I squeeze my eyes shut.

He tsks me, yanking on my pubic hair. “Open those eyes, bitch. See the real man who is about to show you how it’s done.”

Anger takes hold of me when my eyes open. My temper takes over. “You are nothing,” I seethe. “You have to kidnap and tie up a woman to get what you want. That is NOT a man, that’s a fucking troll. You’re not worthy of the title man. Aiden will kill you when he finds you.”

His jaw tightens and his eyes narrow as he pulls back and punches me in the face. I shriek as the blinding pain shoots through me. I hear the crunch of bones. My whole face is on fire.

“Aiden.” He laughs as he sits back on my thighs. “Princess, he’s dead.” It’s hard to focus on what he’s saying through the pain and my sobs. But I heard Aiden and dead. “I guess you don’t remember. I shot the asshole in the chest. I’m sorry to tell you, he didn’t make it,” he says mockingly as he shrugs.

No! He can’t be dead. The flicker of hope that I was holding onto starts to burn out. My whimpers increase to a full cry as I shake my head back and forth.

“But it doesn’t matter. You are mine now,” he says, grabbing my breasts. My mind is still mourning Aiden so much so that I don’t even acknowledge his invasive hands.

I hear him unsnapping his jeans as he leans over me. “The best thing about this,” he gloats, getting close to my face, “is the revenge I get on everyone. Travis is in jail for killing me, I killed Aiden, and now I’m going to own this cunt.” He grabs me, shoving a finger inside me. I scream again and wiggle at the intrusion.

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