Page 27 of Fate Heals

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“Lexi, I promise I will stay right here by you, but you’re going to need to let the doctors have a look at you.” Two doctors walk into the room and introduce themselves. One of them I know, Dr. Terry. She’s a psychiatrist who works in the same building as Dr. Price, my doctor.

She gives me a warm smile as she walks to the other side of the room, taking a seat. Lexi lets the other doctor look her over as long as I’m sitting right beside her. I notice Dr. Terry assessing Lexi. I have a weird feeling she’s assessing me, as well. I’ve been going to therapists half my life; I know that look. I tilt my head, wondering how much she really knows about me. She writes a few things down then excuses herself, telling us she’ll be right back.

I bite my inner cheek, staring at the door. She probably heard that I lied to Lexi, and she’s trying to find a way to make me leave. I wouldn’t blame her. I’m fighting my own demons, I sure as hell can’t help anyone else, let alone an innocent child.

My eyes scan the room and land on Damon. He’s leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He arches his brow. I’m not sure if he’s questioning the doctor or me. I shrug. His guess is as good as mine.

After the doctor confirms that Lexi is physically okay, Dr. Terry comes back into the room. She slides a chair over to the bed. Lexi is leaning against my side as we sit.

“Hi, Addison. How are you doing?” she asks, making clear eye contact with me. Her voice is genuine.

I sigh. “I’m doing alright.” Please stop focusing on me. My foot starts wiggling as I break eye contact with her. I look down at Lexi, whose facial expression is ghostly. She’s pale and her eyes are glossed over. I pick up her hand and hold it. My chest tightens. I hate this.

“Hi, Lexi, I’m Dr. Terry,” she says, speaking softly. Lexi stays silent, frozen in place, except she squeezes my hand. Dr. Terry notices the reaction as her eyes trail down to our joined hands. “Lexi, do you remember what happened last night?” Her voice is calm, nurturing.

Lexi’s lips quiver as her eyes fill with tears, but she shakes her head. “Lexi, nothing that happened last night is your fault. You did nothing wrong.” Wow, I’ve heard this spiel before.

Lexi releases my hand, pulls her legs up to her chest, and hides her face while covering her ears with her hands. “I want my mommy,” her little voice cries.

I look up and blink quickly to keep the tears from escaping. Standing up, I feel the need to move around. My mouth feels like I’ve swallowed cotton, it’s so dry. I look around for something to drink. I’m trying to keep my composure, but Damon senses something is wrong and walks up and whispers, “What’s wrong?”

“I need some water.” He leaves but comes right back with a bottle of water. I gulp the whole thing down. Shit, I need to get out of here. Too many memories.

The feeling of guilt stops me. I told Lexi I wouldn’t leave her. I just need to suck it up. I take a few deep breaths in and out before I make my way back to the bed. When I sit down, Lexi falls into my lap. I run my fingers through her hair, the same way my aunt did for me all those years ago. It seems to help calm her. Focusing on her helps me turn my thoughts off.

The sound of someone opening the door has me looking up. Dr. Price? I tilt my head and narrow my eyes. Well, now I know where Dr. Terry went earlier. Isn’t this just so much fun. I look at Damon with wide eyes. He sticks his hands in his pockets and shrugs.

“I’ll wait outside,” he murmurs.

“Traitor,” I sarcastically respond.

“Dr. Price, what a surprise to see you here,” I say, pointing my glare at Dr. Terry. She flashes me a soft smile. I turn back, “I’m assuming you’re not here for Lexi?”

“Yes and no,” she states. I continue softly combing through Lexi’s hair. I glance down and notice that she has fallen asleep.

I raise my head. “I don’t understand. Why would you be here for Lexi? I know you both are state-appointed doctors, but why would Lexi need two?”

“No, I’m not here as Lexi’s doctor. I’m here as yours.” I sigh and roll my eyes.

“I’m fine,” I huff. “This isn’t about me. It’s only about Lexi.”

The door opening has all three of us looking over. CJ walks in first and behind her is Todd, who is Damon’s boss, and I’m pretty sure there’s a social worker behind him.

I gently lift Lexi off my lap, laying her back on the bed so I can stand up. She remains asleep. “Let’s all go out of the room,” Dr. Terry says, motioning to the door. I look back at Lexi. “She’ll be okay, we’ll just be right outside the door.”

We all huddle around the door, Damon joining us. Todd starts talking first. “Here’s what we have so far. We found out who the little girl was and notified the parents. We still don’t know if Lexi will be in danger once it gets out that a friend was killed and not her. With that said, we will have a uniformed guard with her at all times.” He looks at the social worker and asks, “Have we found next of kin?”

“We think we found an aunt. Both sets of grandparents are deceased, and the father was an only child. We are currently tracking down the mother’s sister, but it doesn’t look like they stayed in touch.”

“We need to keep her in a safe location for now.” He turns to the doctors. “Do you think she’ll be able to give any information on the sub?”

Dr. Terry says, “In my professional opinion, based on her reactions I do think she saw something. It’s too early to determine what exactly she saw, though. It might take a few days talking to her to get her to open up.” She looks at me. “She seems to have bonded with Addison, and it’s critical for a child who has been traumatized to be with someone they trust. So I recommend she stay with Addison until the aunt comes into town.”

My eyes go wide with panic. “What?” I look around the group. “I can’t … I … I don’t know anything about kids,” I stutter. I look to Dr. Price for confirmation. Tell them I can’t do this.

Instead she says, “I think it’s a great idea.” Her lips curl up at my gaping mouth.

“The only reason she trusts me is because I’m the one who found her. She’ll trust someone else just as easy,” I plead my case. When no one says anything, I add, “What am I going to do with a five-year-old?” My shoulders drop in resignation.

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