Page 11 of Fate Heals

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“Addie, I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

“Is … did they …” I can’t say his name. Even though my body is scarred by every mark left on it by him, I’m afraid if I say it out loud I’m acknowledging it. I stuff a spoonful of mashed potatoes in my mouth. I glance at Ted and his hands are firmly grasped in his lap. His jaw clenches. My gaze turns downward, and I close my eyes. I hate seeing the pain this has caused.

“He’s dead,” he says, his voice strained.

Those two words should make me feel better. But they don’t. I wish I had been the one to kill him. To see his eyes plead for mercy while I took the life from them. A warm hand covers mine. When I open my eyes, Ted nods as if he understands.

“Eat,” he whispers.

I take a couple bites of applesauce and push the cart away. Ted pushes it to the side. The door to my room opens, and I abruptly pull my blankets up over my chest. When I see that it’s my doctor, my shoulders relax as I lean my head against the pillow. I haven’t seen Aiden since this morning, but I know it’ll only be a matter of time. I don’t want him to see me like this. I know I’m not thinking clearly because he’s already seen me, but seeing the pain in his eyes cuts me deep inside. It’s a reminder that I need to let him go.

She checks me over, happy that I’ve decided to start talking. She inspects my food to see how much I have eaten and writes it down in my chart. Amy walks in with a Target bag and gives Ted a hug. He smiles at me and winks before leaving.

The doctor sits down and discusses the tests that were run when they brought me in—including a rape test. I cough as my lunch threatens to come back up. Embarrassment creeps through me as Amy wraps her hand around mine. I close my eyes as tears roll down my face freely.

“Addison, it’s okay,” Amy says softly.

I shake my head. “No, it’s not. Everyone knows I’m broken,” I cry.

Last night

“Keep the package warm.” We hear Max growl through our headphones.

Rage burns through me. I know there is only one reason that Max wants Joe alive. Revenge. And that must mean one thing. I run out of the van, needing to get to Addison. She’s my lifeline. She can’t die.

I run the two blocks, full speed. Cold air hits my face as my feet pound the pavement. When I see Max start to get into the medic helicopter, I pick up my speed, pushing through the pain in my chest. They are not leaving without me.

We had a plan for me to meet them at the hospital, but it’s two hours away and I was supposed to drive. Fuck. That. I yell for Max to wait, but the helicopter’s blades start to turn, drowning out my yelling. I wave my arms, catching Max’s attention. I see him say something to the pilot. Thank God he’s waiting for me.

When I jump into the helicopter, Max scoots over, making room for me. “You almost got yourself shot. Dumbass,” he grates.

I don’t hear a word he says. My world blurs at the sight of Addison. I thought I was angry when I didn’t know where she was. That was like an open wound. This feels like someone is pouring acid on it. It burns through my core. I fall to the ground by her lifeless body. Half her face is unrecognizable. It’s swollen with yellow bruises covering the entire side. I go to reach for her but then stop myself. She’s covered with a blanket, and I’m afraid to see what is underneath. The medics already have her hooked to an IV.

“Hold on, sweetheart,” I whisper, laying my head down by her body. I don’t want to touch her not knowing what might be broken. Max has his hand on my shoulder. My body shakes as I silently cry.

Addison is rushed into a hospital room as we’re instructed to wait in the waiting room. I can’t sit down. My body is so revved up that there isn’t a single muscle inside me that will relax. I’ve had to pull myself back from punching a hole into the wall. I stalk around the room like a caged tiger waiting to pounce.

While we were in the waiting room, FBI agents come and go as well as the police. Once we got the initial report from Addison’s doctor, that’s when things got a little fuzzy. Dehydration, broken rib, broken nose, and lacerations here and there … the list went on and on. When my eyes scanned over the word rape, my entire body froze. I thought I knew what revenge felt like before. It doesn’t come close to how I felt at that second.

Next thing I know we’re on the helicopter headed back. Back to get the revenge I need to unleash. The beast grows by the second, my restraint slipping every second we got closer.

As soon as our feet hit the ground, I follow Max’s heavy footsteps toward a small guesthouse on the same property of the house we found Addison. I can see the main house in the distance, but it’s not close enough to hear the screams coming out of the small house right now. My hands twitch, knowing who those screams belongs to. I want in on the action.

Joe is tied to a chair, stripped of his clothes, except his underwear. When I see his beaten body, the angry monster inside me wants more. There is not enough pain in this world that can make him suffer for what he did to Addison.

When he sees me, he smiles wickedly through the blood dripping down his face. I step forward, planning to wipe that smile off his face. Max’s arm halts me.

“Not yet,” he growls.

Hudson, one of Max’s men, continues his barrage of assault. I stand with my feet planted and arms crossed, enjoying every fucking second. Every scream that comes out of his mouth makes my heart beat faster. I’ve never been one to torture, but this right now … it’s like my body is inhaling his screams and energizing every nerve within me.

While Hudson takes a break, deciding what to do next, Joe lifts his head. His gaze finds mine. He coughs up blood through his laughs.

“Your Addison is one good fuck. How’s it feel to know I’ve claimed her as mine?” He coughs again. “Every part of her. The best part was her ass.”

My body lunges forward, and my fists connect with his face over and over. Max pulls me off of him, dragging me back. My chest heaves from the rage.

“You can finish him off, but not yet.” Max nods to Hudson. I jerk out of Max’s hold, nodding my head as I lean against the wall.

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