Page 76 of Fate Hates

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“No.” I lean forward, pinning her with my stare. She doesn’t get to shut me out this time. I want answers. Now.

She gets up, takes off her lab coat, and grabs her purse. “Then I’ll leave.” She walks around me and it takes every piece of willpower that I have not to grab her and stop her, but she’ll hate me if I cause a scene at work. She calls CJ, her boss, and tells her that something came up and that she needs to leave.

I follow her out of the building and as soon as we’re outside, I grab her and spin her around. “Addison,” I bark, “your place or mine?” Our intense stare down causes onlookers to stop and watch us. “Don’t make me handcuff you and carry you away, because I fucking will. Don’t tempt me, sweetheart.” My words come out harsh and low as I increase my hold on her arm. I am done playing games.

“Mine,” is all she says as she twists her arm out of my grasp. I follow her a couple blocks to her apartment. Once inside, she goes straight to her room and slams the door. Really? Can this woman be more difficult? Of course when I try and open it, it’s locked.

With my forehead against the door, I slam my hand down on it. “You really think this lock is going to keep me out of there, Addison?” I seethe. “Open the damn door or I’m going to break it down.” I’m literally counting the seconds in my head. I’m giving her sixty seconds. She opens on forty-eight.

She sits on the edge of the bed, looking down with a pained expression that brings me to my knees as I walk over to the bed where she is sitting. Pushing her knees apart so I can get closer, I wrap my arms around her. “Addison, please talk to me. I’m begging you,” I whisper as I cup her face. “Nobody knows you were held hostage there. I’m assuming he knows about us, so I need to make sure you aren’t in danger.” She stays still as tears run down her face. I catch her tears with my thumbs, caressing her cheeks. “Please, baby. You’re killing me.” I rest my forehead against hers.

After a few minutes, though it feels like hours, she murmurs so quietly I almost miss that she is talking.

“I thought Travis had my mom killed.” I lift my forehead off of hers and her eyes are locked on mine. I immediately want to ask her a million questions, but I stay quiet. I nod my head so she’ll continue. “My mom was murdered when I was ten. I saw the guy who did it. I had the license plate number and found out that the car belonged to Travis. I knew they had never caught the guy, so I decided I’d go check out Travis.” Pained blue eyes no longer look at me but past me, lost in thought. With a poignant stare, she says, “Obviously, you know what happened after that.”

“I do.” I wink, giving her a half smile. She offers a small smile in return but she doesn’t continue talking. What the hell am I missing? There must be something else that is causing this beautiful woman to break down in front of me. “Addison, nothing I’m hearing is any surprise.”

She lets go of my hands and stands up and walks to the window. Crossing her arms, she takes in a deep breath and breathes out slowly. “Aiden.” Still facing away from me, she says, “Travis is my dad.”


My silence has her turning around to look at me. “That’s why we can’t be together, Aiden.” Her words spear through my heart. She misinterprets my silence. I’m trying to piece together everything in my head. It all makes sense now: the DNA test, Travis wanting to keep her around, the eyes. The Caribbean blue eyes. Why didn’t I see that before? Fuck, I’m an FBI agent. I took notice of the similar color, but that is all that they share in physical appearance. I thought it was a mere coincidence.

I notice Addison shrink into the chair next to her window. Tears fall freely as she stares at me. “Aiden, don’t make this harder than it is. Walk away. I don’t blame you.” She sniffles. That’s it?

She thinks that I’m leaving because of this?

“What the hell, Addison!”

Chapter Forty-nine

HIS HARSH WORDS have me looking up at him, his eyes searching for answers. Answers that I don’t have. My heart is shattered in a million pieces. This day was inevitable. I just should have told him sooner. His silence cuts through me. What do you say to the woman whose dad killed your parents? I push myself out of the chair, desperate to put distance between us. I walk into the living room.

“No. You don’t get to decide the fate of our relationship by yourself!” Aiden jumps up after me. Running his hands through his hair, he paces the room.

“I’m not deciding it! Fate fucking did that on her own when she brought us together! Our path was meant for devastation before we even got started. I should have worked harder to stay away from you. I tried, I just couldn’t. How can you ever look at me again and not think of Travis? Not associate me with that bastard who killed your parents?” I’m shaking uncontrollably. He pulls me into his hard chest. My tears soak his shirt.

“Addison. Sweetheart. I don’t blame you for what your… Travis did. You might share DNA with the guy, but you are not part of him.” The strength of his hold keeps me from falling to the floor. “I could never blame you for what Travis did. Ever. You need to believe me,” he says, desperation thick in his voice. “I can’t lose you, Addison.” He lifts my chin so we’re looking into each other’s eyes. His lips brush mine, and he whispers, “Please don’t push me away again.” His voice cracks and his eyes gloss over.

“You haven’t had time to think this through.” I look down so I don’t see the pain I’m causing.

“I’ll go. But only so next time I come back here you know that I’ve thought about it and I haven’t changed my mind. You. Are. Mine. Addison. Nothing will change that. Nothing.” He tangles his hands in my hair and pulls back, forcing me to look up. He softly kisses my lips and murmurs that he loves me before he walks out the door. Not being able to hold myself up anymore, I slide down the door in a heap of heartbreak.

* * *

A knock at the door wakes me. I must have fallen asleep on the couch after Aiden left. I look at the time and notice it’s only been an hour. I run my hands through my hair as I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. I look like shit.

Looking through the peephole I see Aiden on the other side. I open the door slowly, not sure why he is back. I lean against the door for support, crossing my arms. Tears start welling up in my eyes at the sight of this man who I can’t have.

“Hi,” he says quietly. I take a deep breath, sniffling.


We stand there motionless, staring into each other’s eyes. No longer able to stand the silence, I ask, “Aiden, what are you doing here?” My voice cracks as I look down.

He steps closer to me, lifting my head so we’re peering into each other’s eyes again. “I thought about it. Nothing has changed, Addison. I love you.”

He brushes his lips against mine softly as mine quiver from emotion. My lips part and grant him access. He pulls me against his chest as our tongues explore each other. Before I know it, I’ve been pushed into my living room. Aiden kicks the door closed and carries me to my room.

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