Page 69 of Fate Hates

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After my call, I make my way back to the table, making sure they hear me approaching so I don’t overhear anything else.

“About damn time, woman. I was about to call a search party to look for you.” Max grins.

“Hell, I figured I wouldn’t see you again for at least an hour with you talking to Sydney,” Aiden sarcastically says.

“Well aren’t you two a bundle of jokes,” I say, laughing. “Syd says she going next time we jump.”

“Next time, huh?” Aiden teases. He pulls me into his lap again.

“Um, yes. You can’t give me a taste and then expect me to never want it again.”

Aiden mumbles under his breath something about he knows and last summer. I shake my head, knowing exactly what he’s thinking. I cock my eyebrow.

He grins. “Of course I’ll take you again.”

“Oh, who will jump with Sydney?”

“Is she hot?” Max chimes in.

“Does it matter?” I say, looking over to him. I see Aiden nodding his head out of the corner of my eyes. I turn toward him, narrowing my gaze, and playfully hit him. He laughs, holding his hands in the air.

“She is, but you might have to fight Damon over her,” Aiden says. I get up to sit in my own chair.

“Well, we know who would win that match.” Max chuckles as he brings his beer to his lips. My eyebrows rise as I look at Max. This is a story I want to hear. “I kicked his ass while we were at Quantico. Of course, his version is a little skewed when you ask him about it.” Max holds up his thumb and index finger while they both laugh out loud.

“But y’all are friends, right?” I’m sure that Aiden had mentioned Damon jumping with him.

“Oh, yeah. He’s like a brother, too. Joking aside, I’d never try and take a girl Damon is with. Not my style,” he says.

“Well, Syd and Damon aren’t together so this isn’t even an issue.” I shrug. “She doesn’t even live here.”

“Well, whenever Sydney comes into town, bring her and we’ll jump.” He smiles and winks at me.

Max looks over to Aiden. “So, you ready to come work with me?”

Aiden’s smile widens. “You had to ask, didn’t you?” He chuckles.

“You know, one day I’m going to get you to change your mind.” Max gives him a pointed look. At first I don’t know if he’s kidding, but now I know he’s not. Would he seriously think about moving? My gaze switches from Max to Aiden, my eyes widening. Worry starts to build in my chest. Dammit, I just admitted that I loved him and now he might leave. What that hell?

“Calm down, Annie Oakley.” Both guys laugh. My mouth gapes open. I can’t believe he called me that. I can’t believe they even know who that is. “He can work from anywhere.”

Blush creeps into my cheeks. Aiden reaches over, grabs my chair, and pulls it closer to him. He leans over and whispers in my ear, “I’m not going anywhere. But I love that you were worried.” Closing my eyes, I inhale his scent. I have to grip my chair so I don’t melt into him. When I open my eyes, I catch a glimpse of Max observing our interaction. He warmly smiles at me and nods. I pull back out of Aiden’s grasp, sitting back in my chair, relieved. He takes my hand, intertwining our fingers before he relaxes back in his chair.

I narrow my eyes at Max, tilting my head and say, “So, how do you know who Annie Oakley is?” Max grins but doesn’t answer. “I remember doing a paper on her when I was in high school. She was my hero,” I murmur.

“I am not surprised,” Max says. “Next time you come out, let’s go shoot. I want to see if you’re really as good as Aiden says.”

“Definitely.” My face beams. Yep, Max is my new best friend.

“Well, we need to get going so we can get there before dark,” Aiden says, standing up and pulling me with him. Before I can even ask where there is, Max stands up and gives Aiden a hug then tugs me into a tight embrace.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, “You’re good for him.” He gives me a peck on the cheek.

Aiden’s arm wraps around my waist and pulls me into his hard chest. “Stop whispering sweet nothings and kissing my girlfriend,” he rasps out. Max’s laugh booms loudly.

“I was just telling her that I’m best man at the wedding.” His smile spreads across his face as my eyes bulge out. Where the hell did that come from? I turn to look at Aiden, and he’s smiling, wagging his eyebrows at me. Okay… we need to leave. It just got warm in here. A little too warm and uncomfortable for me.

“So, we need to leave, right?” I say quickly, grabbing my purse. Both guys are now laughing. I don’t even wait for them to compose themselves, I walk quickly toward the exit. When I get to the car, the boys have caught up to me. Aiden opens my door. As I’m stepping in, Max yells out from his car, “And the first son’s name is Maximus.”

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