Page 63 of Fate Hates

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Damon walks in and sits across from me. “What’s wrong?” He’s sporting a shit-eating grin. Asshole. He knows damn well what’s wrong. He’s been telling me all along that no woman is worth this much trouble. And before Addison those were my thoughts, too.

I say the only thing I can think of that’ll piss him off. “Have a chance to talk to Sydney before she left?”

Sydney has had him fucked up all week, and I’ve loved the hell out it. “We talked real quick when she and Addison were at the new Italian restaurant. Mistero… something.” He shrugs.

Marco. That reminds me, I need to look into him. I pull up our database and start typing.

While trying to find information, I ask, “ Have you been to the new place?”

“A couple weeks ago. Why?” He narrows his eyes.

“Did you meet the owner?”

“He introduced himself.”

“What did you think?”

“What’s this about, Aiden?” Damon’s tone turns serious as he leans forward with his elbows on my desk, glancing at my computer. I tell him about the other night and what Addison told me. And how the name of the restaurant is too much of a coincidence.

Damon nods. “He was a little too friendly, but really I didn’t think twice about it when I met him.” I continue typing while I listen.

“Bingo.” I turn my computer and point to what I found.

“Hmm. Do we need to put him on a watch list?” he says, pulling a sticky note off my desk and writing his name down.

“I’m not sure yet. But I’ll be watching out for him around Addison.”

“You going to tell her?” he asks.

“Yeah, but not until after our date. She’ll get pissed, thinking I’m just being jealous.” I smirk.

“You are.” He laughs, leaning back in his chair. “Did you decide where you’re taking her yet?”

Giants beat the Cowboys by one point in the last five seconds of the game. I laugh, remembering how pissed Addison was.

“Yep. I’m taking her out with Max on Saturday. And then hopefully New Haven after.”

“What? Without me? I want to go.” He’s dead serious as he furrows his eyebrows.

“Fuck no, you pansy. It’s a date, and it doesn’t include you.” I laugh.

“You think she’ll be okay with it?” he asks, joking aside.

“You know Addison. You ever see her back away from a challenge?”

* * *

It’s lunchtime and I’m done waiting. I need to see Addison. She’s like a drug and I haven’t had my fix. I call the front receptionist, and she tells me that Addison is still in her office. I grab Chinese food on my way over. I’m not even sure if she likes Chinese, so I bring a few choices. I’m riding up the elevator and starting to sweat. You’d think I was a teenager picking up a girl for a date. I sigh. Maybe I should’ve called her. The elevator doors open on floor three. Too late. People see me. I straighten my back, roll my shoulders, and walk in like I’m supposed to be here.

A few people say hello in passing. I’m so focused on getting to Addison’s office, I don’t even remember who it was. I walk up just as she’s leaving her office. She looks up as she shuts her door, surprise on her face. “Aiden. What are you doing here?”

I hold up the bags. “I was hoping you’d have lunch with me.” I flash a sexy-half grin.


“If you don’t already have plans,” I close my eyes and shake my head. “Sorry, I should have called first.” Son of a bitch, this is not going the way I imagined it would.

“Aiden, it’s okay.” She places her hand on my arm. “I haven’t eaten yet. I was just heading out with Harper, but I’ll let her know that I’m eating here with you.” She smiles as she turns to walk back into her office. I follow her in. She clears papers off her desk and calls Harper.

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