Page 54 of Fate Hates

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“I NEVER THOUGHT I’d see the day that Aiden Roberts is pussy whipped.” Damon chuckles, pulling a beer to his lips.

We’re sitting in a bar, which is the last place I want to be right now, but Damon dragged my ass out for the night. I haven’t talked to Addison since our date Tuesday night. That’s three days ago. Three fucking days. I’m addicted to her already and having withdrawals. I think the main problem is that I know the effect I have on her. It’s the same she has on me, but she’s fighting it and I don’t know why.

“Damon, what am I going to do?” I slam my beer down.

“Why are you asking me? You really don’t want to know my answer. No woman should be this hard to get. I know Addison’s beautiful and all, but she has your shit all tied up in knots. Not. Worth. It,” Damon states matter-of-factly. “Look around. There are plenty of women to choose from. Like those girls right there…” He uses his beer to point toward a group of women who have made it known that they are interested. I glance in their direction but look away quickly before making eye contact with any of them.

I sigh. I can’t stop thinking about Tuesday night. It’s all I’ve thought about since I left Addison’s apartment. I’ve slept like shit since that night, can’t concentrate on work. And now I’m sitting in a bar fucking sulking.

Grow a pair, Roberts.

“I need another beer, and I don’t want to wait for our waitress. Need anything?” I say, getting up to head to the bar. My need to drink is faster than our waitress is. Damon nods as I get up. A couple of the girls from that group make their way over. One smiles at me. She’s pretty. Long dark hair, good body, blue eyes—but not the color of blue that I crave. I can’t muster a hello. I give her a smile and nod then walk to the bar. I squeeze in at the bar and order a couple beers. There’s a slight touch on my back, a woman’s touch. I silently plead that it’s Addison. I turn around and it’s the girl who was at our table. I try to hide my disappointment. I don’t want to act like an asshole.

“Hi there. Do you mind grabbing my drink since you’re already up at the bar?” She hands me a ten-dollar bill. Well, at least she’s not that type of girl to automatically expect that I pay for her drink, but there’s no way I’ll let her pay now.

“That’s okay, it’s on me. What’s your poison?”

“Just a vodka sour.” She smiles. She has a great smile. Normally she would be a woman I’d be interested in. Although, she might as well be my sister because I don’t have any desire to talk to this girl. I hand her drink to her and head back to the table, beers in hand.

“Thanks for the drink.” She walks right by me. Slightly brushing her arm against mine as we walk. Yep, nothing. No spark. “Are you going to sing?” she playfully asks.

“What?” I ask, confused. Oh, God, she’s probably seen the video. I laugh, shaking my head. “Nope, no singing for me tonight. I’m trying to decompress after a long day.” I’m trying to hint that I’m not interested. I really don’t want to be an ass.

“Well, if you change your mind, you can always get on stage with me and sing.” She must see my confusion because she points to a stage. “There’s karaoke tonight.” She smiles.

It all clicks as I watch them set up the stage. We get back to the table, and I sit down. The girl stands beside me, really close. Too close. We’re at a high-top table, so we’re about the same height now. She doesn’t seem to get the hint that I’m not interested.

“Listen,” I begin to tell her that it’s not her, it’s me, when the atmosphere in the room changes suddenly. I’m not sure if I hear her or I can feel her, but I glance to the front door and Addison walks in. I can’t tear my eyes away from her. The girl standing too close to me is talking, but I don’t hear a word she’s saying. Addison is with Harper and another woman. I’m assuming it’s Sydney. She’s a beautiful woman. Much shorter than Addison though. Short blonde hair, good body, and a great smile, but standing next to Addison, she’s average. Addison’s wearing tight white jeans with a red halter top. Her lips match her shirt. Thoughts of those red lips wrapped around my cock has me readjusting in my seat. Well, at least I know my cock isn’t broken. I just hope random girl standing too close doesn’t think it’s because of her. She really needs to leave. Now.

“Roberts, what are you staring at?” I hear Damon ask. I tip my beer in her direction. It’s taking everything in me to not go to her, wrap those long legs around me, and kiss her into submission. She needs time to figure her shit out. But she better hurry the fuck up. I lean back in my chair, thinking what my next move should be.

“Who is that gorgeous woman with Addison?” Damon murmurs, slapping my back.

“I think that’s her best friend from Texas,” I reply.

“If women keep coming from Texas who look like those two, I’m moving.” He laughs. I nod, taking a sip of my beer.

Chapter Thirty-eight

I CAN TELL I’m being watched. As soon as we’re in the bar, I look around. My eyes land on emerald green eyes, and his stare pins me in place. He smiles his gorgeous smile, dimples on full blast, and winks. This small gesture makes my pulse quicken. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to deny this man. He’s made it clear that I will be his. But when he finds out the truth, he’ll never be able to look at me without thinking about his parents. Even if he is able to see past that, will I be able to?

Syd notices that I’ve stopped walking and follows the direction of my stare. “You are in so much trouble.” She laughs. “That gorgeous man looks like a tiger about to pounce on his prey.”

“Well, that tiger looks busy,” I say, nodding to the girl practically sitting in his lap. I pull Syd and Harper in the opposite direction searching for a table. Luckily we grab a table as a group gets up to leave. My phone vibrates in my purse. There’s a text from Aiden.

Aiden: You look gorgeous

Me: You look busy

Aiden: Jealous ;)

Ugh. No… Yes. Syd looks at my text when I voice my frustrations. She laughs. Really? This situation sucks. I am jealous. Very jealous. I look over to him and with a knowing smirk, he raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. The girl is oblivious to our current banter. She’s the only one though, because I see Damon staring in our direction. Although, his stare is pinned on Sydney. Great!

Me: Tell Damon to stop! Sydney’s only here for a few days!

I hear Syd ask Harper if the guy standing next to Aiden is the other guy from the video. Upon confirmation, Syd replies “Yum!”

Me: And if that girl gets any closer to you, I might be inclined to remove her myself. ;)

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