Page 32 of Fate Hates

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When he approaches, I shyly say, “Hi.” I look up to the ceiling and roll my eyes in embarrassment. What the hell, Addison. I sound like a prepubescent teenager. I’m a confident, independent woman and this man makes me feel like I’m sixteen all over again. I clear my throat, straighten my spine, and look into his eyes and try again. “Hey.”

Jett laughs and shakes his head as he grabs my hand. “Let’s go show you around.” Walking down the hallway, we pass door after closed door. We walk in silence, hand in hand. Jett leans over and whispers, “I feel the same.” I look at him confused. He smiles his sexy grin, displaying those dimples. “When I saw you standing there looking gorgeous, I had to keep myself back from running to you and taking you back into your room. Emily, I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I left your room last night.” He rights himself and continues walking like he said nothing important.

My heart skips a beat, and I sneak a look up to him. He looks down at me and winks. My heart hurts. What started out as a means to justify the end is starting to be a need with no ending. My need has morphed to an insatiable hunger.

Reality hits me. I need to move faster on my plan. As soon as a window of opportunity presents itself, I need to follow through. As much as it’ll hurt me to leave Jett, he’s a small part in the big picture.

“Where are we going?” My voice comes out high pitched and rushed. Really, Addison! I’m all over the place this morning. Jett assesses me with raised eyebrows and twisted lips. I wave him off and steady my voice, ignoring his inquisitive stare.

“So? Where to?” I say as I walk, pulling him with me.

He lets go of my hand and crosses his arms. His stare pins me in my spot. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Emily?” He questions like he’s interrogating me. His eyes don’t miss a thing.

“Nothing, Jett,” I say trying to convey confidence. “It feels weird to be out of that room, and then you… after last night… I’m all out of sorts this morning.” I sigh.

“We can go sort things out, if you’d like.” He moves in quickly, pressing his body against mine as he leans down and kisses me softly on the lips.

I jump back in surprise, caught off guard. “Jett,” I warn. “This is so wrong on so many levels. I’m a prisoner in this house. People will think I have Stockholm Syndrome,” I say seriously and hold up a hand to stop him from coming closer.

Offering a bemused smile, he answers, “You can always say no, sweetheart. Let’s go.” He grabs my hand in midair and pulls me into the kitchen. Say no to that body? I don’t think anyone in their right mind could do that.

Looking around at the beautiful kitchen with picturesque windows facing the patio, I say, “I already ate this morning. Melanie brought some food.” Jett grabs some eggs and bacon from the fridge. He’s a sight to see cooking in the kitchen. I sit on one of the bar stools and study him as he continues to make breakfast. The muscles in his back flex whenever he moves. I’m appreciating the backside of his body, remembering exactly what that body did to mine last night. A quiet moan escapes my lips.

He slowly turns and the corner of his mouth twitches. “You keep looking at me like you want to eat me,” he growls. “I don’t care who knows about us, I will throw you on that table and have a feast myself.” My whole body trembles, and I clench my thighs together trying to find the friction I’m all of a sudden in need of. I look to the table and I’m not sure I care either. Jett has a devilish glint in his eyes. He walks—or more appropriately stalks—toward me.

I hop out of my chair, grabbing onto the counter. “Jett. You wouldn’t,” I say, giggling, and try to tame the beast about to attack. He keeps walking around the island toward me. I slide around the other way, keeping hold of the counter like it’s going to protect me. His walk increases to a run. I scream and laugh as I keep running around the counter, away from him. We both slow, still opposite of each other, his beautiful emerald green eyes never leaving mine.

I’m trying to gauge his next move in this playful game of cat and mouse. I arch my eyebrows, taunting him a little. “How hungry are you?” I breathe out. He audibly sucks in a breath.

“Woman,” he warns, the devilish grin still on his face.

I’m bouncing on my feet trying to predict which way he’ll run, but I seem to have misread him. He instantly jumps over the counter and grabs me as I dramatically squeal in surprise. He wraps his hand around my back pulling me into him. Our body’s mold to each other. I instantly feel his arousal.

“I’m starving,” he says as he bites my earlobe then sucks it into his mouth. He wraps his hands around my hair and tugs, giving him full access to my neck. My lips part and my breath quickens as he alternates biting and sucking. I can feel the slickness of my arousal already. He whispers, “The real question is if I’m going to throw you on the table and feast on that sweet pussy…” I release a sigh, his lips barely hovering over mine “…or do I take you right here, bury my cock in that tight pussy of yours that’s begging me to fuck you hard and fast again?” He crushes his lips to mine. He pushes his erection into me. My hands wrap around his hard-muscled arms, trying to hold onto him while he devours me with his kiss.

The sound of someone’s voice brings us back to reality. “I hate to interrupt, but I think the bacon is done.”

We break apart quickly and look to see Travis standing in the kitchen, displaying a wide grin, chuckling. My face flushes with embarrassment. Oh, fucking hell! I whip around, unable to escape Jett’s embrace quick enough.

“Um…” I try to think of a reason to get the hell out of the kitchen. Fast. “I forgot to…” Why can’t I think of something. “Whatever. I just need to go.” I throw my hands in the air. I speed walk to my room, shutting myself back into the prison I couldn’t wait to get out of. Damn distractions!

* * *

Half an hour later, enough time to calm my racing heartbeat, I hear a knock at the door. I look at the door expecting it to open but it doesn’t. Hmm, weird. Then another knock. I guess since I’m not a prisoner in this room, I get the luxury of privacy. Novel idea.

I answer the door only to find Jett leaning against the doorjamb. My heartbeat might have calmed down, but the sexual tension between the two of us is anything but calm. Damn, that man is gorgeous. His arms are crossed, which shows off the muscles in his biceps.

I turn around to walk back into the room. I hear the door shut but can tell he is still in the room by the way my body reacts. He fixes his eyes on me. “Jett, we can’t do this,” I say, turning away from him. I know that if I look at him I won’t be able to stop him. I’m about to continue when I feel his hard body right behind me.

He sweeps my hair to the side before he bends down to whisper, “I’m sorry, Emily. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the day you showed up in this room, but when I’m in the same room as you, I can’t stay away from you. I know this is a bad idea, but fuck, Emily… there’s this chemical reaction when we’re together that I can’t explain. It’s melting things inside of me. Things that were frozen. Things that should stay frozen. ”

I shake my head. “Why couldn’t we have met somewhere, anywhere, but here?” I turn to face him. “This isn’t my reality, Jett. I have a life outside these walls, one that I actually like.” He lowers his forehead to mine. He breathes out a big sigh.

“Yep,” he says in a strangled voice. We stand there for a couple minutes in silence. I immediately feel the loss of his body when he steps back. His jaw clenches with his hardened expression. His hands are fisted into his shorts pockets. I crack my knuckles out of habit; it’s something I do when I’m nervous. “So, I was going to go for a run around the property. Would you like to come?” he quietly asks as his expression softens.

“Sure,” I say, looking down at my bare feet, “but I’ll need to put on my shoes.” Maybe exercising will help clear my head.

“I’ll meet you in the hallway. I need to grab my gun.” I tilt my head and twist my lips. Understanding my confusion, he answers, “Travis doesn’t like us leaving the house without our guns. Even if it’s still on his property…” he smirks “…you never know when unexpected guests might drop in.”

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