Page 24 of Fate Hates

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I can’t hold back anymore. “You fucking touch me and I’ll kill you,” I say through gritted teeth. I quickly see that he has his sidepiece holstered.

He laughs. “Bitch, someone needs to teach you a lesson.” He throws me on the bed, his body following. He pins my arms to my side. No way, asshole. I bring my knee up with as much force as I can and kick him right in the balls. He doubles over, falling off the bed in pain. “Fucking bitch!” he yells, holding his dick. I go to grab his gun but the door flings open making me jump back. Jett is on Joe before I can blink. He picks him up and throws him against the wall. Jett and Joe are about the same height, but Jett has as much muscle as Joe has fat.

“You so much as look at Emily again, I swear, I. Will. Kill. You,” he says, grinding his teeth. Jett punches Joe square in the jaw. With a loud crunching sound, I am pretty sure he broke it. Two more guys who I’ve never seen come in and grab Joe, dragging him out of the room. Jett paces the room again, muttering a curse. Or a few. His normally emerald green eyes are raging black. I can see the rise and fall of his chest with his erratic breathing.

“You know I had him. I didn’t need any help.” I chuckle, trying to break the intense air surrounding us. He doesn’t laugh and just stares at me. I can see his jaw is clenched.

“I need to go. I’ll be back later, I promise.” His voice is still filled with anger. I don’t have a chance to respond before he walks out, slamming the door behind him.

Glancing at the dinner that Joe brought in, I decide it’s probably not a good idea to eat it. Who knows if he drugged it? I lost my appetite anyway. The smell of nicotine still lingers in the air. I shiver in disgust, needing to wash his smell off me.

When I come out of the bathroom Jett is sitting at the table looking at the uneaten food. “Why haven’t you eaten?” he asks. His eyes are back to emerald green, but I can still see the concern in them.

“I was afraid if I did I’d be dead by the time you came back.” I shrug. He grabs the food, gets up, and leaves.

Well, that went well.

I turn on the TV to get my mind on something else while lying back in the bed. Jett returns about an hour later. I know how much time has passed because I now have a clock in my room, again thanks to Melanie. He has food with him. Jett walks over to the table and pulls out Italian food and places two plates on the table. He pours a glass of water at each setting.

I guess no wine tonight?

The smell takes me back to only four nights ago when I was enjoying my dinner with Marco. It seems like weeks ago. Although Marco was sweet, flirty, and had a very defined body, he’s not Jett. Just looking at Jett has me winding up.

“Eat with me?” Jett asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

Dinner smells awesome. Nerves having calmed down, I’m really hungry now. I turn the TV off and sit down, glancing at Jett. He’s trying to act calm, but his eyes show something entirely different. His jaw flexes as our gazes trap one another.

“I guess I should thank your for spying on me,” I say, twisting my lips and cocking an eyebrow. I want to bait him to talk. His intense stare is hard to escape.

“Anytime.” He clears his throat, his lips curling up slightly revealing his dimples. My stomach flutters. He starts to grab my hand that rests on the table but rears back. Awkward silence surrounds us. I grab my fork and eat. The food is amazing. A small moan escapes my mouth as I pull my fork from my mouth. I peek up at Jett and see him staring at me. His eyes are filled with lust. I saw those same eyes last night.

“Would you not do that?” He exhales through gritted teeth, adjusting himself in his seat.

“What? It’s really good,” I respond playfully with a knowing smile. He lifts his eyebrow and smiles.

“Want a taste of mine?” He lifts a piece of meat from his plate and brings his fork to my mouth. I open and he seductively pulls the fork out.

Holy hotness.

I don’t remember if it was good because the look on his face as he watches me eat has me fidgeting in my seat. My sex tingles as my body starts to hum.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me? You’re going to unravel me.” Jett leans in closer. “You’re taking something that shouldn’t be yours to take. I feel like I can’t stop the freight train that’s about to collide head-on.”

“Then don’t,” I answer in a whisper. I hear what he’s saying. Hell, I’ve said it myself, so why do I want to see the result of the impact?

He leans back. “It’s not that easy. I’m not supposed to be here tonight. But fuck if I was going to let Joe lay a finger on you. I already broke his nose. You’d think he would have learned.”

“Maybe he’ll get the message now.” I smirk. “I know why you broke his jaw, but why did you break his nose?” I ask, tilting my head, raising a curious eyebrow.

Jett grunts. “He runs his mouth too much.”

That I can agree with. “So why aren’t you supposed to be here?”

“It’s getting too complicated. This. Us,” he says, looking down at his food.

I sigh. “Then why are you here now? You’re definitely not un-complicating things.” Warmth spreads through me as he looks my body over with hungry eyes. I exhale sharply, licking my lips. “I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands if you keep looking at me like you want to eat me,” I breathe out.

He leans over and whispers in my ear. “Mmm… Emily, I would like nothing more than to have a taste.”

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