Page 14 of Fate Hates

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For fuck’s sake! Now I made her cry. This girl is going to be the death of me. I’ve never felt so much in one day. So much for the plan of seducing her to get her to talk. That shit backfired. Instead, she’s seducing me, doing that striptease. Her perfectly rounded breasts, flat, muscular stomach… I’ve never seen such an amazing body on a woman. My mouth watered seeing her hard nipples poke through her bra. Holy shit, I about lost a load watching her touch herself. And I might have if I hadn’t remembered that the whole house was probably watching this on the security camera. I need to pull my shit together when I’m around her. I definitely don’t want Travis to put one of his other goons in here to watch over her.

I don’t know what Travis plans to do with her but it needs to happen soon. Maybe I can talk him into letting her go. He’s hell-bent that she’s lying, and I’m not sure why. I don’t like being kept in the dark.

She finally falls asleep. I get up and grab a blanket to lay over her. I bring it up to her shoulders and lean over and whisper, “I’ll make sure nothing happens to you, sweetheart.” I breathe in her scent, my hands itching to touch her beautiful hair. Holy shit, I’ve never had a woman grab my attention like she has.

It’s only been one fucking day.

It has to be because she’s off limits. Her long, dark eyelashes flutter as she dreams. Fuck, I hope she’s dreaming about me. My eyes linger on her as she sleeps. Studying the outline of her body under the blanket, I have to force myself to leave. I could sit here all night and watch her. I turn the TV off and head out of the room before my hands take on a life of their own. I make sure to lock the door behind me.

* * *

“Travis, what the fuck?” I say, walking into his study. “You’re not usually one to kidnap women.”

“Jett, don’t question me. She’s lying. I need to know who she is,” he responds, not looking up from his chair. “I gave you the task of trying to find out who she is and what does she do? She strips for you! You didn’t seem to be talking much. I should be asking you what the fuck?”

Don’t worry, I’ve been asking myself that since the second I saw her face.

“Really, Travis? You wanted me to have her continue? That’s not gaining her trust. She was playing a game to see who would win.” I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

“Well, we know you didn’t win that round. Keep trying.” He dismisses me. I walk out frustrated with the lack of information he’s giving me.

Okay, I need a new game plan. I need her to gain my trust—and soon. Hopefully before my dick falls off from being sexually deprived. Maybe I just need to go out tonight, find one of my friends, and fuck that girl out of my system.

Walking back to my room, Joe stops me in the hallway. He’s sporting a sadistic smile. I hate this guy. And I’m not in the mood to talk, especially to him.

“Holy shit, dude! Why did you stop her! I was getting ready to start stroking myself. If I could have ten minutes with her, I’d show her who was boss.”

I can’t stop my fist from running into his face.


“Fucking asshole! I think you broke my nose!” Joe screams. Blood rushes through his fingers as he holds his nose.

“Don’t. Touch. Her.” I growl before stalking back to my room. I definitely don’t regret cold-cocking Joe. He deserved it talking about her that way. I don’t care who she is, but I’m sure Travis won’t be pleased.

I pull up her room on my computer’s security feed. She’s sleeping facing the camera. Damn, she gorgeous. Why can’t I look away? What is it about this woman that has me in so many knots? I scrub my hands across my face, running them through my hair. I sit back in my chair and just watch her. How am I going to get her to talk? My head hurts, my dick hurts from being semi-hard all day, and now my hand hurts. I shake it open and closed making sure I didn’t break it. Going out tonight is now the last thing on my mind.

Damn woman! And she thinks I’m distracting?

Chapter Nine

I WAKE UP confused. Where am I? Reaching for my face, I’m quickly reminded I’m still in this bed and still have handcuffs on. The sun shines into my room, making it a little too bright. I’m holding back tears thinking that Sydney is probably freaking out since I haven’t called her. She’s the only one who knows why I came to Chicago. Everyone thinks I’m on this wonderful vacation with a friend in Chicago. So wonderful, huh? I chuckle at myself, at the situation I got myself in. I cross my legs because I really need to pee. Like someone heard my thoughts, the door unlocks and opens. Great. Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Both are still carrying their guns. I figured Jett was behind them, but they come in and shut the door. Disappointment bubbles up.

What the hell, Addison? He’s not going to be your hero.

Joe has a bandage on his nose and has two black eyes. I wonder whose fist he ran into? I’m about to ask but since he’s hopefully here to let me go to the bathroom, I need to keep my mouth shut.

“Rise and shine, princess.” I wince at his nickname for me. I’d rather he call me a bitch. Joe comes over and unlocks my cuff. “Don’t fucking try anything, or from here on out you’ll be using your bed as your toilet.”

I stretch my arms. It feels good to be free. For a few minutes, at least. I take my time going to the bathroom and washing my hands. I notice on the sink there is a brand-new toothbrush, toothpaste, and a hairbrush.

“Is this stuff for me? I didn’t see it here yesterday?” I ask Joe, who thankfully didn’t come into the bathroom with me.

“I don’t know. Maybe your lover, Jett, brought them for you?” he says sarcastically.

My lover? What the hell is that about? I ignore him, opening all the new items. After a few minutes of washing my face, brushing my teeth and my hair, I feel much better. I look over to the shower and sigh. I really need a shower. I walk into the room dreading what’s waiting for me and find Travis is back in his chair. Joe leads me to the bed and cuffs me again. He and his buddy then leave. I keep forgetting the other dude’s name.

“Good morning, Renee,” he says my mom’s name with such contempt that it sends shivers down my back.

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