Page 1 of Fate Hates

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Chapter One

I’M FINISHED. DONE! I take a deep breath in, blow out slowly, and look around. Campus life. Students are scattered everywhere; some run to make it to their class on time while others relax in the grass, studying for their next exam. And then there are those who need to get a room as I spot two bodies making out under my tree. The tree I’ve spent hours studying under. I laugh, shaking my head. I’m going to miss this. This part of my life is over. I mindlessly walk across campus, relieved after finishing all my exams.

Oomph! I’m knocked over by a five-foot-two pixie.

“Addie!” Sydney screams. “We did it!” We both tumble to the ground. For being so little, I don’t know where the hell she hides all that power. I am not a small person—well, next to her I’m not. Sydney is tiny. She has always reminded me of Tinkerbell. With her short blond hair styled in a pixie cut and huge, sparkling ice blue eyes, I swear she’s going to start flying one day, sprinkling fairy dust everywhere.

We lie in the grass, looking up at the blank blue canvas just waiting to be painted. It’s May in Texas so the heat from the sun is already blistering, but everything is so green from the April rains.

“I can’t believe we’re done with college,” I say, grabbing her hand.

Sydney is my best friend. We’ve been inseparable since we were ten. I had just lost my mom and went to live with my aunt; Sydney lived next door. I love her like a sister. We both have strong personalities, but we couldn’t be any more different. She studied music and teaching, while I studied criminology and forensics. She believes in fairytales, while I think life is too cruel for such things. But she is the yin to my yang. I don’t know what I would have done without her.

She looks over at me, pouting. “I don’t want to grow up. Growing up means you leave.” I squeeze her hand tighter. The time is coming, but I try not to think about it. Last summer I did an internship with the NYPD’s Forensics Department, and I fell in love with New York City, its overwhelming but exciting atmosphere, constant state of movement, horns from cabs racing to their destination, the never-ending nightlife… I loved it all. They offered me a job once I graduated. A dream job and one that I couldn’t pass up.

I roll over on my side. “Syd, we’ll still see each other,” I say. “And we’ll talk everyday. Anyway, you have Dean now,” I tease. Syd and Dean met last year at some art festival. He’s probably glad I’m leaving; she’s always made it clear to any guy she’s ever dated that I’m part of the package. Our friendship has always come first.

Until now.

My chest hurts just thinking about leaving her.

“I’d give him up to keep you any day.” She smiles as her eyes fill with tears.

“Don’t. Don’t you dare cry and make me feel worse than I already do.” My eyes start to well with tears, too. We both sit up and embrace each other.

“I’m sorry, Addie,” she says, wiping away her tears. “You know I’m excited for you. I’m just going to miss you like crazy.” She sighs.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket. Pulling the phone out, I see it’s a text from my aunt wondering how my finals went. I glance at the time.

“Oh, shit!” I jump to my feet. “Syd, I’m late. You know I love you and this summer we’ll have lots of time before I leave, but right now I have to run.” I blow her a kiss before I turn and speed walk toward my car.

“Wait!” she screams, running after me. “There’s an end-of-year party tonight at Dean’s. Please say you’ll come.” With her short legs, she’s almost at a run trying to keep up with me.

“I need to get to work. You’re slowing me down.” I laugh, looking at her.

“Addison, stop! I’m not letting you go until you tell me that you’ll go with me tonight.” She grabs me, stopping me.

“Okay.” I sigh. “I’ll meet you at the apartment after my dinner with Howard at eight.” She lets out an excited scream and jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around me. I have to drop my purse to grab onto her, steadying us so we don’t end up on the ground again.

* * *

“Good afternoon, Addison.” Howard greets me with a warm smile. Howard is a courthouse security guard. In the three years I’ve been working part-time at Austin’s District Court, Howard has become part of my family. I adore him. He’s an attractive older man with a fun personality and a heart of gold. When he was in his forties, his wife died. He never remarried or had kids. I never understood why women weren’t beating down his door, but he always tells me that his heart was buried with his wife. I don’t believe that; he has one of the biggest hearts I’ve seen.

“Hi, Howie.” I smirk, getting ready to go through security.

He looks around. “Shh, you know I don’t like to be called that at work.” Howard likes everyone to think he’s a badass, but I know he loves it when I call him ‘Howie’.

I offer a bemused smile and head through the metal detector. When I get to the other side, I call out, “See you at dinner?” We’re celebrating the end of my finals.

“You bet! Meet you down here at six.” I wave my hand in confirmation as I walk to the elevators. “Oh, FYI, Jack was down here looking for you a little while ago,” he hollers before I enter the elevator. I look his way and roll my eyes, hearing his laugh as the doors close.

Jack. My lovely boss. A middle-aged man who thinks he’s God’s gift to women. In reality he’s pompous, short, round, balding, and suffers from little man syndrome. Never been married. No surprise there. He makes crude comments at the most inopportune time. How he stays the Court Administrator baffles me. I’ve been his assistant for three years. He’s really not that bad now that I’m used to his personality. I just ignore him most of the time. Surprisingly, he’s very intelligent but has absolutely zero common sense.

He’s already yelling for me as soon as I enter my office. “Addison, nice of you to join me today.” His voice drips with sarcasm. I roll my eyes again and take a deep breath before walking into his office.

“Jack, you know I had finals today,” I say, leaning in his office doorway, crossing my arms.

“I know. I’m just kidding.” Typical Jack response. He’s always kidding. “Congrats on finishing. I can’t wait for you to be full time.”

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