Page 98 of Knot Her Fight

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Do I care?

Yeah, unfortunately, I think I do. Maybe I wouldn’t have a month ago. I would have taken any scrap of respect or affection and been damn grateful for it.

But these alphas have told me, again and again, how precious I am. How good and sweet and smart and worthy.

A queen.

Their queen.

And I want more than scraps.

“I think we should buy this dress,” I mumble, unsettled, “since it’s basically soaked in perfume.”

He nods, every inch the commanding senator once again. No trace of the desperate man who needed me in order to breathe.

“We will,” he says. “We’ll buy all of them.”

He pulls out his wallet and extracts a credit card, flashing me a look that could almost be described as teasing. “I’ll let you deal with the ladies out there while I get the car.”

I’m suddenly so pissed. How dare he just… seduce me like that? With his need instead of his charm. And so easily!

No fair.

My eyes narrow at him, spoiling for a fight. “I don’t need three dresses, Senator.”

“I don’t care,” he shrugs. “You’re getting them.”

I snort, tossing my hair back and cocking my hip. “You gonna make me?”

Tristan strikes like a cobra. Sweeping me into the wall and stretching his arm over my head, boxing me in with his perfect scent and the hard body under his suit.

His face drops, looming inches above mine. A dark brow lifts.

“I bit you,” he roughs out, the low words sinking straight between my hips, sparks shivering over the embers of the blaze he just extinguished. “Sunk my teeth into your perfect little throat without even asking.”

Slick slips into my panties the same second I catch myself nearly panting. Clearly, something is deeply wrong with me. Because, for one insane moment, all I can think is…

Yes. Again. More.

A small smile quirks the side of his sculpted mouth. He holds up the black AmEx again. “Take the damn card and buy the damn dresses.”



I already feel every second of my thirty-five years.

And there are still three hours before I even have to be at the stadium.

Damn, I think, ignoring the twinge in my knee and an answering throb in my shoulder.

I’m agitated and exhausted, but I have to get it together. It may only be a pre-season game, but it’s the first time my omega will see me on the field, and I don’t want to look as ancient as I feel.

Honestly, now that Archer’s gotten me off the rut-blockers, I expected to feel better. Instead, I’m foggy and more anxious than usual.

I’ve been doing this NFL shit for fifteen years. You’d think I’d be used to it by now.

Spencer seems to think we’ll all be more on edge because of Serena’s impending heat. But I don’t know if we should listen to him, given that he might actually be an impostor impersonating our packmate.

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