Page 60 of Knot Her Fight

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It’s 2:40 and I promised my omega I’d be home by three.

“You’re not even going to ball-tap him?” Declan whines, then notices how I almost shove both my feet into the same pant leg. “Damn, you really are in a hurry.”

Theo looks suspicious behind all of his blond facial hair. “Got a hot date or something?”

I can’t tell if he’s still kidding. The guys on the team normally give me plenty of shit for dating. I am old, after all. And enormous.

Actually, one of their quips about me crushing the last chick was sort of hilarious. And unfortunately accurate.

But now, a squirmy panic settles over my stomach. Fuck. I’m going to have to be so careful with Serena. She’s as small and delicate as that little hummingbird charm she wears around her neck.

“Not a date,” I admit, shrugging my T-shirt on. I glance around us to make sure no one else is listening and lean forward. “We met a girl. An omega.”

Declan and Theo freeze. Look at each other. And then they both whoop.

Dec slaps my arm while Theo bounces up and down like a teenage girl at a Harry Styles concert. “Holy shit! GET IT TUBS!”

The whole locker room is staring now. Of course.

I give them all my best impersonation of Avery’s death glare until they go back to their own shit. Then I hiss, “It’s not public information yet, you knotheads. Tristan has to tell the press and all that stupid shit.”

If anyone will understand, it’s them. Their pack leader is a high-profile tycoon who also happens to own our football team. They’re all used to dealing with the media.

Declan nods, unbothered. “That’s cool. Meg will still want to meet her, though. You know she loves you, Tubs.”

Their omega does social media stuff for the team and I’m one of her favorite players to film. Apparently, I’m, as she puts it, “one juicy beefcake.”

Will Serena be okay with me working around another omega? Will she want to meet Meg? Or is that weird?

Jesus. We really were unprepared for this shit.

Theo’s face loses all traces of teasing. He gives me a little shake and a reassuring smile. “She’ll like it. They can all talk shit about us.”

I cringe. “All?”

“Meg will want to bring her best friend,” Declan says. “But she’s cool. Her pack runs the Timberwolves hockey team.”

Well, as long as they’re all packed up, it shouldn’t be a big deal?

I don’t know, but my five minutes are up.

“I’m late.” I shove my shit into my duffle and make sure Coach isn’t looking. “Make up some excuse for me.”

I find Serena in the backyard.

That isn’t a surprise at this point. When she isn’t cuddled with Avery in his room or watching me cook dinner, she loves being out here in the sunshine. She also loves movies—even the really bad ones—nature documentaries, and taking little walks around our neighborhood.

And me? I love to watch her.

On her knees in a sunny patch of grass on the other side of our pool, she closes her eyes and runs her palms through the springy green. Feeling the blades, letting them tickle her hands.

When she brings her hands to her face and inhales, I wonder if she’s thinking about Tristan and his summery, grassy scent.

From what Avery and I can tell, the Thorne brothers have all but ignored her since she got here.

For Spencer, it’s fear. He’s never told me why, but I know he has issues with people touching him. I’m sure, with how much he must want this woman, he’s terrified of what will happen once he gives in.

The inevitability of it can’t be easy for him, either. He’s always so in control. Knowing that it’s only a matter of time before he loses it is probably fucking with his head.

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