Page 55 of Knot Her Fight

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There are actually more women in here this year, and a couple of gender-fluid representatives, which pleases me. What good is the concept of representation if elected officials don’t reflect the people they serve?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot of public service happening in here at the moment. Plenty of bagels being eaten, though.

The cogs of government move slowly. It can be painful to watch. But I have a plan, and it’s working. If I can just convince?—


The hole drilled into my middle has been plaguing me since I opened my burning eyes at four-thirty this morning. Dr. Monroe told me to expect the pain. He said it would only grow the further I get from the omega.

My bedroom is right on top of hers, so it didn’t really start to pull from a dull throb into a sharp, piercing tug until I left the townhouse. Ever since, I’ve walked around the capitol building with a crease between my eyebrows, playing off the discomfort as a bad mood.

It’s bizarre to be so fundamentally changed and not have anyone notice. They can’t see the steel cord sewn into my center. There are no bite marks for them to smirk at, no changes in my scent.

Although, if the half-bond has changed Serena’s scent, I can’t sense it. When I walked into the kitchen this morning, mouthwatering paradise perfume still spun through the air. And when I loitered outside her bedroom for twenty minutes before tearing myself away, she certainly smelled just as irresistible as ever. Even through the fucking walls.


According to the brief research I managed to conduct last night, there’s a chance other alphas won’t be quite as attracted to her… but she’ll only continue to smell more appealing to us. Her pack.


Out of nowhere, dazed panic spears me. Serena’s.

She must be remembering where she is. And why.

The next burst is a tangled jumble. I only get a few seconds into untying it before our breakfast meeting is called to order.

I’m the host, technically, meaning I have to sit at the head of the table and look formidable. Which isn’t fucking easy with all of Serena’s fear and shame seething in my stomach.

It reminds me of last night in her room. The way she kept her features smooth while her insides heaved.

Because of me.

There’s no context for it now, but I can guess why she’s scared. It would be terrifying for an omega to wake up in a strange house and remember all of the things that happened to her yesterday.

Still, the shame doesn’t make much sense to me.

At first.


An alpha woman who represents the Sixth District stares at me expectantly, her heel tapping against the floor. The rest of the table has turned in my direction, too. I ignore the sensations squirming low in my abdomen and flip open my tablet.

Some aide uploaded our agenda, thankfully. I only have to speak for a few moments and flex a bit of my force before I can turn the floor over to the beta man who runs District 17.

Which is fortunate. Because the reason for Serena’s embarrassment and self-loathing is suddenly—viciously—clear.

Heat impales my groin and pulses. Waves of warmth and a shivery, vibrating need that instantly floods my cock with boiling blood. It hardens along my inseam, jerking so hard I’m surprised the stiff material doesn’t rip.

I nearly double over in my chair. A grunt sloughs out of me. The entire room of state representatives turns to stare.

Fucking hell.

My scent blasts up several notches, along with the air of dominance I’ve done my best to cultivate. There’s nothing subtle about it now. Instead, it’s a blanket of steel, suffocating the entire room.

My Alpha is off his leash. Feral.

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