Page 51 of Knot Her Fight

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His fingers soften against my face. “You are so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs. A drop of humor soaks into the set of his mouth. “Terrible fighting form. But I can fix that.”

Whatever face I make has his eyes smoldering. He leans down, brushing the top of my ear with his lips. Dazed, all I can think is that they’re so much softer than I expected any part of him to be.

“I can teach you how to really leave a mark,” he rumbles, “Because I want your marks all over me.”

A shiver tingles down my spine. The alpha follows it, fingertips skating over the bare skin covering my vertebrae, down to where the red rubber onesie sticks to the small of my back.

He plucks at it. “Can I burn this fucking thing?”

The far-away, sane piece of my brain registers that he isn’t joking. In fact, when I manage to loll my eyes up to his face, I find him staring back intently, his black brows arched eagerly.

He really wants to burn it.

My Omega and I finally agree on something—because just as I’m wondering why arson suddenly sounds so hot, a rush of my real perfume rises off me.

The inked alpha’s pupils blow wide, yawning to consume his pale irises. Amber warmth and petal-soft spice swell between us, mixing with my cream-soaked sweetness. The combination sinks into my body, obliterating all sense of reality.

There’s a shrill, manic noise. A whine.

Is that me?

It must be because the alpha immediately snaps me off my feet, bending my legs around his bare waist. His hot, patterned skin rubs between my slick thighs. My pussy cinches, a deep, steady throb beating under the wetness.

My back hits something soft. I don’t care if it’s a bed, a couch, or a chair. I can’t care about anything except the sudden flash of a blade catching the weak light. Three snapping sounds—and the pressure against my pulsing pussy and my tight, aching nipples suddenly ceases to exist.

Like magic, the pinch of the red rubber thong disappears. Crimson goes flying off to the side. The blade clatters to a nearby table.

“What. The. Fuck.”

Now the alpha sounds angry. I frantically search for his face, my Omega desperate to see if I should be afraid.

For a long beat, he balances on his hands; his head bent over my chest while he looks down the length of my naked body. When his chin finally snaps up, his eyes are blue fire—the very hottest part of a flame.

“Who did this to you?”

Everything is too fuzzy. I don’t know what he means until his fingers graze under my breasts. A dizzy memory floats through my brain—bitter and sickening. Pain and failure and fear from a long time ago.

I always forget about the damn scars. There are a fair few, most of them placed there strategically. Any alpha who eventually took me off Wally’s hands would have to undress me to know I was damaged.

“Who,” the tattooed alpha demands again. “Did. This?”

Some of them were my own doing, actually. The result of being locked up alone during my heats. I usually came to with some scratches on me. And broken bones, a time or two.

My Omega panics at the memory… and the thought that maybe, if these alphas find out that no one wanted to be with us for our heats before, they won’t want to be with us either…

The alpha on top of me watches my face fall and reaches over to thumb at my lower lip.

“Stop that,” he grits. “You’re the most gorgeous goddamn thing I’ve ever seen. A fucking warrior. These scars won’t stop me from sinking my knot so deep inside you that you’ll never get it out. But when I get my hands on whoever did this to you, death will be the least of his worries.”

Dear Lord. Am I turned on by murderous destruction?

Guess so.

A sharp sound vibrates up my throat while more perfume soaks the air. He groans, dropping his forehead to mine. “Jesus, kitten,” he gasps. “I think maybe you’re trying to kill me.”

Maybe I should be. But all I can think about is getting something hard and thick into me. I hook my ankles around the backs of his thighs and try to drag him down, drawing the hard length between his legs to the apex of mine.

Settling our hips together, he growls low, skimming his lips down my cheek and finding the pulse beating on the un-bitten side of my neck. He sucks it right between those overly-soft lips, tugging on the thin skin until my vision blurs and swirls.

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