Page 138 of Knot Her Fight

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After spending three nights with Tristan’s cock and knot buried in me until late morning, the guys finally put their collective foot down.

Avery practically rolled his pack alpha out of my bed, then proceeded to spread my legs and dive in for a morning feast. After which he spent hours lying with his head on my sternum and his chest pressed into my belly, purring to break up my pre-heat cramps and snarling at anyone who dared to wander within a foot of the mattress.

Afterward, Spencer took a bath with me. He let me have his knot while he cleaned me, tutting his disapproval for all the bruising bite marks littered across my skin. As if he isn’t the worst offender of all—a fact he proved when he sucked his own mark into the opposite side of my throat.

Jonah seems determined to feed me up before my heat starts. Today, after Ave left to go prep for his fight, Jonah made enough comfort food to sustain a family of ten. He put me in his lap and sweetly massaged every bit of my body he could reach while also feeding me mashed potatoes and fried chicken.

By the time we all had to leave to get to the arena, Tristan was practically vibrating. I still feel his impatience and feral protectiveness throbbing through the half-bond as we walk into the arena.

When I glance up at his face—square jaw loose, dark brow smooth—I don’t see the cool mask he’s giving the world. I only see the mania in his eyes.

They snap to mine immediately. Almost like he was just waiting for me to look at him.

His gaze slides to his healed bite mark, then back to my face. And, I swear, I can feel how much he wants to send me a thought right now.

But there are about thirty cameras trained on us at the moment, so he just nods at the Octagon.

I force my head to bob up and down, ignoring the way my skin crawls when my ponytail brushes my bare back. The dress Tristan defiled at the store is sexy, but the tight fabric mashing my breasts down hurts.

Flashes pop around us while people call their names. Senator Thorne. Tristan. Jonah. Professor.

Some of them shout questions about the fight: How is Avery? Is he ready? What’s his headspace been like lately? Have we seen the odds?

Others have different questions.

“Senator Thorne, is this your omega?”

“Where’s your bond mark, Senator?”

“Where are her bond marks, Senator?”

Tristan only winds his hand around mine and keeps staring straight ahead. Jonah wedges his big body between me and the cameras, blocking me from view as Spencer steers us toward our ring-side seats.

I miss Avery. He’d never let people shout at me. One flick of his murderous glare and they would all leave us alone.

I’ve never been in a gym like this without him, and I feel stupidly out of place here, in this sexy dress and a face full of makeup. I just want to be back home, in our own gym or in our bed…

Jonah feels me tense up and notices the tears gathering in my eyes. Instead of letting me sit between him and Spencer, he pulls me directly into his lap, where all three of them can reach me.

His chin fits against my shoulder, a deep purr vibrating into my back. “Do you want to go?” he murmurs. “We can leave right now, hummingbird.”

They’ve all told me that a hundred times today. Even Avery, who texted me just three minutes ago to tell me I should go home and wait for him in bed. Naked.

Before we walked into the actual arena, I felt confident I could make it. But now…

“This is so important to him,” I whimper, turning to hide my wet eyes in Jonah’s neck. “Please help me stay.”

Spencer hears me, leaning around Jonah’s shoulder to take my hand. He cuffs my wrist with his fingers, squeezing rhythmically. I don’t know what kind of omega magic he’s weaving, but I can suddenly inhale. The scents of all three of them sink into my lungs.

I crack one eye open, finding Spencer’s intense stare waiting for me. “I’m going to embarrass him,” I whisper. “He’ll be distracted by me. What if I perfume while he’s up there and?—”

I hate that I feel so panicked. Just weeks ago, I couldn’t wait to see Ave in action. Part of me still can’t. But I don’t trust my body right now. And once the heat sets in… I know what the pain will do to me.

In the end, it’s Tristan who stands up.

“Enough,” he barks quietly. “This is inhumane. You two stay and watch. I’m getting Serena out of here.”

I protest weakly as he bends and plucks me out of Jonah’s lap. My big man rubs his thumb over my cheek, reassuring me Avery won’t be upset at all. Spencer nods his agreement and promises they’ll stay for the entire fight and keep an eye on my menace.

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