Page 125 of Knot Her Fight

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Ah, hell.

“It would be cool,” I finally force out. “If you’d come watch sometime.”

Spencer sways back, blinking at me as he wipes his hands on a fresh sanitizing wipe. “It didn’t occur to me that you ever noticed either way. But if you’d like me to come, of course I’ll be there.”

I bob my head, swallowing. “Okay.”

He clears his throat and looks away. “That’s settled, then.”


Serena nestles closer to me, her lips twitching ever-so-slightly.

Just enough for me to know my brilliant little omega had this in mind all along.



“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I mutter, tripping into my left heel and scurrying out of my room.

Geez. Jonah usually isn’t so intense. I didn’t even know he was home, and now he’s down in the garage, laying on his horn like it’s a hammock.

Avery took me to get my driver’s license today, and my big man told me we were going to grab dinner to celebrate my newfound freedom after he finished practice.

Come to think of it, taking me anywhere super fancy really isn’t like Jonah. The fact that he texted to tell me to wear my best de-scenter and a fancy dress were both out of character too.

Now I’m wondering why I didn’t ask more questions. Probably because I was so excited by the concept of an actual real-life date, I didn’t want to discourage him.

I feel a little giddy about finally being able to drive us there, too. The form-fitting dress I dug out of the middle of my new wardrobe is short and tight enough not to distract me like a flowy skirt around my knees would.

Jade isn’t a color I would normally pick, but Jonah loves my eyes so I figured I’d try to make them pop tonight. With all the craziness, this is the first time I’ve been out with my big man one-on-one, so I also took extra time with my hair and makeup.

But when I finally rush out of the elevator and into the garage, Jo isn’t waiting next to his shiny white Bronco.

He isn’t here at all.

Instead, Tristan Thorne stands there with his expression unruffled and his hands in the pockets of his gray suit.

Next to… the Batmobile?

It sure looks like the car from the movie Avery made the whole pack watch last Sunday. All sleek and matte black, slung low to the ground with the sorts of sexy angles that give the sense it’s already in motion.

I stop up short, my platforms scraping against the concrete floor. “Um… hi?”

The corner of Tristan’s mouth pulls up. “Hello.”

I chance a few steps forward, eyeing the beautiful beast idling beside him. “What, um—what is this?”

Tristan’s smile takes on a wry quality as he surveys the vehicle and turns back to me with a shrug. “Your car.”

A startled guffaw jumps out of me. “My—what? This isn’t a car; this is a missile. I barely have a license, and I’m pretty sure that’s only because Avery threatened the guy at the DMV today.”

No sex for my fighter has definitely turned him into a bit of a lunatic. But my heat hormones are almost as bad, so, you know—gotta find the ones who can match your freak.

Tristan’s shoulders lift in another blasé roll. “I did make some calls. But you would have passed your test, anyway. You got a perfect score on the written exam and the practical. So I thought you deserved a gift.”

He waves an arm at the car again. And gradually, it sinks in.

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