Page 117 of Knot Her Fight

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No doubt she’ll wrinkle her nose at me. Or just nod and pretend I’m not odd.

But her pretty lips spread into an even lovelier grin. “Who’s winning?”

For the first time in as long as I can remember, I laugh. The startled sound scrapes out of me before I can help it, and Serena’s gaze twinkles in reply.

“If you ever want a real match, I used to play against myself all the time, too,” she adds, stroking over one of the ivory pieces. “I bet I’d win.”

With anyone else, I might scoff. But that sharp, curious glint in her gaze reminds me how intelligent she is. And gives me the distinct notion that she may be correct.

Even more unthinkable—I hope she’s correct.

That strange, prideful feeling swells inside of me again. Only, this time, it’s layered with fondness. Appreciation, really, and?—

Hell. I’m pretty sure it’s just love.

I… love her.

Even without her scent permeating the air, like it does at home. Even after losing a full day of work to show her around and get her settled and worry about her for no good reason…

I love her.

As if to protest the very first romantic notion of my life, her scent begins winding through the small office. With rain soaked into the creamy coconut, she smells like a perfect summer storm. Fresh and bright, but lush and sweet.

It’s mythical.

Ambrosia and sunlight and some piece of me that got lost, somehow, somewhere—but it’s back now. Returned to make me whole.

Instead of overriding my feelings, it adds a sensual bent to the emotions swirling through me. My cock hardens before I even swivel my desk chair, leaning back and opening my arms.


Serena obeys, sauntering over on her sexy heels and gracefully settling sideways across my lap. Like a tease, she angles a taunting smirk at me. But she’s still a good girl, keeping her hands in her lap, waiting for my subtle nod before she smooths them down my dress shirt.

It’s getting easier for me to let her do as she likes. Maybe because I trust her now.

Instead of fear or aggression, all I feel as her fingertips trace my buttons are the tingles they leave in her wake. On the other side of my sternum, a purr rumbles to life, layering my words with rough reverberations.

“How was your first class, Miss Swanson?”

She flashes a sweeter smile, her eyes dropping to her bare legs. “It was good, I think. I met another omega, and she invited me to a study group. I—If that’s okay?”

My chest burns for her, the purr deepening while I tuck her closer. “Of course it’s okay, darling. I’ll bring you to your study group any time.”

When our eyes meet again, all traces of humor flee her face, leaving it stark with emotion. Her hand trembles as she reaches up and strokes over my cheekbone. “Thank you, Spencer.”

My darling girl.

I cup her hand in mine, turning it to press a kiss to her knuckles. “It was my pleasure.”

Gradually, her expression turns from sincerity back to teasing. “Your pleasure, huh?” She flicks her gaze pointedly to the erection trapped under her thighs.

I see the exact moment an evil idea hits her. “Professor,” she starts, running her hot little hands down my chest again. “Didn’t you say you wanted me to come to your office after class for a special lesson?”

The way I scowl isn’t put on—at first. I’m embarrassed that it takes me a moment to realize she’s playing a part, acting for the ongoing game between us.

But once I catch up, I keep the disapproving expression in place. “You kept me waiting.”

The reprimand isn’t entirely false. I truly got no work done while I waited for her.

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