Page 92 of Knot Her Shot

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“I love it,” I whisper. “But won’t you miss having your own room to sleep in? When you get sick of me and Damon and?—”

This time, he cuts me off, brushing our lips together much more tenderly than I did. “I will never get sick of you,” he murmurs. “I wanted to give you the library we always wanted. But I also wanted to show you; I don’t need a backup plan. Your bed is my bed, now. I never want to sleep anywhere else. Because I love you, Rems. Always have, always will.”

He’s always been a man of action, not words. But he knows me—he knows how many times I’ve been turned away. So, he did the grand gesture and made sure to say the words out loud, too.

Cassian waits, our gazes locked, even when mine clouds with happy tears. “I love you, too, Bear.”

His lips quirk up, the smile soft. “I want you right here,” he tells me. “In our house. In our bed. My girl. Okay?”

I nod, springing up to hug his neck again. “Okay.”



“What are you doing?”

Um. Fuckin’ rude.

I know I’m not the hardest worker in the pack, but damn. Cass could at least act like the sight of me asleep on a pile of books isn’t some apocalyptic omen.

Half of them are from Remi’s friend’s doctor alpha. He dropped them off for me, along with “some helpful research.” Dude is intense with his research shit. There are tabs and neon streaks and notes in margins.

Which I’m sure would be excellent, if they didn’t all look like hieroglyphics to me.

The AirPods in my ears died a long-ass time ago. Can’t say I blame them. I listened to eight straight hours of audiobooks.

On the plus side, I think I might have learned something. Maybe? At some point…?

I look around at all the titles, blinking—as if that will help to clear the way the words run together. My stomach seethes. Remi really does love books. What if I can’t relate to this part of her? Will she eventually connect with the others more because I’m an idiot and she’s brilliant?

I can’t give up this easily. She’s my fucking soulmate. I’ll listen to every audiobook on the planet if I have to. Even the super nasally ones.

For her? My ears can bleed. I don’t give a fuck.

Besides, if the book thing doesn’t work out, that Bake Off show actually slaps, so.

Smith comes downstairs, frowning and muttering something about Remi being up in her nest. Then he breezes out the door, promising he’ll try to be home for dinner.

It hasn’t actually happened yet, but maybe today’s the day. He seems like he has a fire under his ass and a twitch in his left eye. Plus, he didn’t even try to mock me for all the books he found me passed out on.

Cass leaves next, grunting about me being a “lucky asshole” because he and the other defenders all have to be fitted for new gear today while I have the morning off.

The house is too quiet. I decide it’s probably a sign I should be doing my conditioning in our home gym, but some weird instinct stops me.

It starts as a prickle at the base of my scalp, tiptoeing up my nape. Difficult to describe, other than the indistinct sense that I’m needed somehow. A minute later, the faint whine of insistence becomes a scream of urgency.

Leaping to my feet, I streak right upstairs. I’m coming, pretty girl.

Turns out my Alpha is maybe a bit dramatic.

When I burst into Remi’s suite, I find her struggling with… a bra?

I stop on the threshold, gobbling up the sight of her topless body while she twists and huffs, fed up with the straps on her shoulders. As soon as she hears me chuckle, she freezes.

“Damon! I’m changing!”

Shy, sweet thing. Like she wasn’t riding my face into oblivion the other day.

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