Page 56 of Knot Her Shot

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I let my eyes roam over them, hunting for appliances. When my gaze trips over a white enamel stove with gold knobs, I swear my heart flips.

Cassian’s hand squeezes around mine before finally releasing me. When I send him an anxious glance, he nods at the beautiful kitchen and murmurs, “Go on. I know you want to.”

It’s so strange how well he knows me. And, really, when I think about it, I know him too. I’d bet all two hundred and eighty dollars in my bank account he has a stash of books around here somewhere. And they’ll be perfectly organized, even though I’d go double-or-nothing that all of his clothes are lying around in rumpled piles.

I suddenly want to hug him and hold on forever.

The rich scent of hazelnuts dipped in dark chocolate sends sparkles fluttering through my blood. Fresh wetness gathers between my thighs, slipping out of me along with a burst of honey-cake perfume. And, thanks to Damon, I don’t have any panties to hide it.

Oh, Lord. I don’t have the first clue how to handle this awkward sexual tension between us. We never had that kind of relationship before. Will he really want one now?

His nostrils flare, his wide jaw flexing. The way his eyes soften while mine fill makes it seem like he already has his answer. “Later,” he murmurs, hushed. “We’ll talk, butterfly.”

I nod. The second I float forward, Damon swoops in, spinning me into his side and giving me a tender squeeze while he guides me deeper into the kitchen.

His smile is contagious while he gestures at the beautiful room. “You said you like to bake, right, sweetness?”

I did. Before Smith eliminated my job.

Stuffing down my grievances, I’m relieved at how easy it is to smile back at Damon. “In here, I bet I could make some serious treats.”

His eyes light up. “Treats? For me?”

I have to laugh. He’s just so enthusiastic, even when he has an attitude. “If you’d like,” I agree. “Just tell me what your favorites are.”

“Damon,” Smith sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and rubbing his eyes. “We’re meant to be courting her, not the other way around.”

My mind stutters to another halt, trying to process the thought of Smith attempting to court me. I can’t even form an image of that. Every time I picture us alone together, I shudder at the thought of him barking orders at me.

At work.

Last night.

He can’t seem to stop himself.

Which means, technically, it isn’t safe for me to be alone with him.

Which… is going to be an issue, apparently.

Cassian glances at his phone and curses quietly. “D and I have to go, Rems. Morning skate starts at nine every day, but we’re usually back from conditioning by one or two. I’ll text you about lunch, okay?”

I open my mouth, my automatic people-pleasing instinct to agree kicks in. But then I realize what he’s saying.

They’re leaving.

And I’m going to be here alone. With Smith.



Within ten minutes, both of my hockey-playing alphas have enormous duffle bags of equipment slung over their shoulders as they head out the kitchen’s back door. They both pause, Damon kissing me in a way that should be illegal, and Cassian sweetly nuzzling my cheek.

But then they’re gone.

And I’m on the chopping block.

The door falls shut, and I startle, my features creasing as my eyes dart around the room. Smith misreads my terrified expression as judgment and shoots me a cool look. His shoulders tense and he jams his hands into his suit pants. “It’s fully functional,” he snaps, almost defensive.

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