Page 42 of Knot Her Shot

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She trembles, and I instantly regret my temper. With an apologetic face, I reach over and smooth her hair over her shoulder. The wide, fearful set of her eyes abates slightly, but her voice is still breathless.

“I don’t want you guys to fight over me,” she murmurs. “It makes me feel… wrong. Like I’m a failure as an omega. I should be bringing you all together, and instead I—I?—”

“You,” Damon says, more firm than I’ve ever heard him, “Did nothing, sweetness. Nothing wrong at all.”

Some shuffling sound in the hallway distracts Remi for a moment. She chews her lip, eyes widening. “You guys aren’t supposed to be here. There’s a rule. If someone reports me, I could be evicted.”

Damon sends me a look—a cock of his brow that suggests getting her evicted is one surefire way to get to take her home with us. I glower back, and he shrugs, rolling his eyes in a look that says, You come up with a better plan, then.

I fold my hands around Remi’s head. “We’ll go if you need us to, butterfly. But we’ll be back.”

Damon nods, stepping up to cage her between our chests. “Do you want us to bring Smith next time?”

She tries to smile. “If you want to, sure!”

She always was a terrible liar.



*Pierson Pack Group Chat*


Smith, I stg, if you don’t get your ass down here.


Bear will eat you


Who the fuck is Bear?


Long story

Just fix this


no barking, Big Hoss


I’m not an idiot.


since when?

You dumb, bitch-ass motherfucking cunt.

My Omega has a lot of feelings about me sending the Pierson pack away.

Those were our mates! Are you insane?!

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