Page 21 of Knot Her Shot

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Who the hell thought I was mature enough for this?

Well. No one, actually.

I just happen to be the closest, according to Smith. He called me in an angry panic, demanding I rush over to Forever Fucked or whatever it’s called.

I still can’t remember when I walk in the front door. All I know is that I’m nervous in a way I never expected to be, and I have to keep wiping my damp palms on my gray joggers.


It would have been nice to have some notice, so I could have looked at least a little put-together. But when they called, I was in a session with my personal trainer, trying to sweat out a shitty morning practice where Coach kicked my ass.

Like everything Smith picks out, this place is nice, with a capital N and a dollar sign where the C should be. The instant I walk in the door, not going home to change feels like a mistake. I had time to shower after my workout, but between the sweats and the bruise over my right eye, I’m most definitely not at my best.

Will that matter?

Do I care?

Yeah, I think I actually do.

Especially when I take my first breath of sweet-soaked air.

What. Is. That?

There’s no one at the front desk in this place, or maybe they’re just on a break. Either way, I can’t wait for them to come back. I have to follow the hum that suddenly crackles through my blood, pulling me to the door on the right side of the reception area.

I throw it open and charge through, only to collide with someone crossing from one room on the left to a different one on the right.

“Oh shit,” I curse, “I’m so sorry.”

I’ve got to stop bumping into people. I already have a black eye and a gnarly bruise on my jaw. The last thing I need is to ruin my face permanently. We all know it’s the best thing I’ve got going for me, aside from my slap shot, and?—

I blink down at the small person who just recoiled from our collision. It’s a woman. Small and dressed in pretty pink.

And completely frozen, staring at me.

For the most part, I’m not a huge fan of mute staring. It happens a lot with fans—ever since I got signed and had a few videos go viral on TikTok. Normally, I prefer the people who just bustle right up to me and shove their boobs and a Sharpie into my face. The lurkers usually feel awkward, at best.

Not this little thing, though. The way her blue eyes turn to saucers is actually adorable. And, you know, I did run into her.

I smile. Open my mouth to say hello.

But the whole world evaporates into nothing the second I breathe.

Holy. Ever-loving. Fuck.


It’s weird, having one single moment when I suddenly understand so many things about myself and the universe all at once.

This is it, though.

This is everything.

What was I doing before? Must have been stupid. Nothing else could possibly matter this much.

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