Page 149 of Knot Her Shot

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All three alphas hear my dazed, exhausted exultation. I’m instantly flooded with love, pride, possession, amusement, and soft concern. The lights inside me glow and pulse, but I can’t hear anything they say to each other. Some tired, distant part of my mind realizes they’re talking about me, not to me, and I smile sleepily.

Purrs rattle around me. My body feels weightless—like I’m floating on a cloud.

I land on Smith’s richly-scented skin, burying my face in his pecs. Cassian curls around my back, pressing his rumbles into my spine until it melts. Damon makes space for himself between my torso and Smith’s, hugging my hips and nuzzling his face into my belly.

“Sleep, angel,” Smith croons. “We’ll be in your dreams.”



There’s a charge thrumming in my blood as I step out of the car.

I can’t remember the last time I felt this way. The rush of competition, the thrill of anticipation. It reminds me of playing for our high school team—the way I used to spend the whole day before a game buzzing. Full of restless energy, tinged with aggression.

I’m… excited.

And pissed.

But, hey, a color is a color and nothing here is gray.

Remi feels my nervous anger and puts her little hands on my chest, beaming up at me. I love the look of pride in her eyes and the way it echoes down our bond—but I hate how she shakes when I cup her shoulders in my palms.

It’s too fucking soon for us to be back out in the world. Most packs stay nested or nest-adjacent for well over a week after they bond. But here we are, two days out from the evening her fever broke, facing this clusterfuck of a situation.

My protective instincts don’t like it. Remi has barely caught up on her sleep, let alone adjusted to having three alpha bonds running through her. Not to mention regaining her strength after eating so little during her heat.

That won’t happen again. Now that we’re all bonded, it will be much easier for us to coax her through next time. The thought gives me a burst of satisfaction, infused with a vein of heated lust. Remi feels both, giggling quietly and raising her brow at me.

You all ready to go again, Bear? So soon?

I snatch her waist, picking her right up and planting my mouth over hers. Always, butterfly.

We can feel Damon’s pulse of curiosity before he lopes around the car. In the last three days, I don’t think the guy’s closed his curtain even once. If I focus long enough, I can always pick up on the thread of his thoughts, playing unobtrusively in the background of our bond like an upbeat pop song.

D snorts a laugh and loops his arms around Remi’s waist to hug her from behind. “I wondered what had our pretty girl all happy and horny. Just this big guy, huh?”

She purses her lips to hold back a chortle and makes the absolute worst joke of all time. “Well, he is unbearably handsome.”

While she and Damon crack up, Smith’s groan can be heard all the way from the other side of the Range Rover. He shakes his head, dusting the navy lapels of his suit and plucking at the pair of silky, blue-striped panties folded in his jacket pocket. “These puns are out of control.”

D flashes a wide grin, hooking an arm over Remi’s shoulders and rolling his eyes at us. “C’mon, let’s get this the puck over with.”

Jesus. Even I have to groan at that one.

Paying no mind to my grimace or Smith’s, Damon leads Remi through the parking lot. His mood takes a nosedive once we hit the sidewalk in front of the arena. Apprehension and embarrassment fill the bond, along with Remi’s sweet reassurances.

Smith is surprisingly quiet. He has been every time we’ve discussed Damon and me returning to work.

It’s our fifth game of this playoff series and, so far, the Timberwolves haven’t totally sucked without us. Our back-up goalie has allowed more points than I ever would, but Gunnar’s been channeling Damon, and he’s posted enough shots to keep the score even at two games won for each squad.

We’re not exactly sure what we’re walking into tonight. Standard heat leave procedure calls for us to report to the next team event as soon as we’re able, which happens to be tonight. But Coach could tell Damon to fuck off and bench him until his contract officially expires in three games. And I could be looking at some bench time myself, after the way I wordlessly walked out for Remi’s heat.

So fucking worth it, I think to everyone, grumbling. They all reply with various blends of fond amusement and annoyance.

Not the point, Bear, Remi snaps.

Totally the point, Damon replies, bending to kiss her head.

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