Page 147 of Knot Her Shot

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The word snaps out of me, and none of them make me wait. Smith lunges up, finding the perfect place on my bare throat and sinking his teeth right into it.


The scalding spurt of his seed bathes my insides like a volcano as his essence blazes an unyielding path down my throat. Heat winds its way to a part of me I’ve never known. Some secret, sacred space in my very middle. Under my air, in front of everything else that makes me who I am.

He’s there. A coil of gold silk—or maybe just gold. Smooth and cool, but somehow heavy and solid, too.

The tether curls around my soul, waiting. I sob, wanting nothing more than to bite him back, and feel the inside of him the way he must be feeling me.

But a set of perfect white teeth flash at my thigh, sinking into the flesh just beside my mound.


Like a crack of lightning, his energy zips into my blood and races right for my core. It’s bright and bouncy, with a secret bit of sweetness. The bolt hits my pounding heart harder than Smith’s cool, thick coil, but entwines with it seamlessly.

The cold metal tempers his heat. The charge of electricity livens the gold. Balanced. Brilliant. Bliss.

Another climax rocks through me, my slick pussy gushing over Smith’s knot while he releases another load, along with a serrated growl. Damon moans, his teeth still piercing me, coming all over my side and hip. Their scents swell to fill the nest, stronger than mine, blending into bittersweetness.

And it’s every good thing I can imagine, except for…


He nuzzles into my nape, purring against my back while he takes his time finding the right spot. In the end, it’s opposite Smith’s, right where my shoulder knits against the side of my neck. Right where he likes to lay his head and hide from the world.

His lips vibrate against my skin, whispering. “Always was,” he vows, “Always will be.”

My bear winds up biting the softest of all three. And unlike the heavy unspooling of Smith or Damon’s quick charge, Cassian’s soul comes slower. Like a misty rain, showering my heart in everything soothing. Protection, devotion, promises.

There’s power underneath. Rolling thunderclouds that could clap or roil. Strength and depth and a bit of mystery.

But mostly, love. So much, so soft. It blankets my heart, pitter-pattering over the others and sinking into us all.

It’s perfect, some delirious part of my mind murmurs. After precious metal is tempered by heat, it’s cooled in water. And it comes out indestructible.

Cass releases the soft part of my neck, moaning into my skin while he comes against my back. The warm lashes pump the scent of dark chocolate and hazelnut into the air, turning our nest into the most perfect place on earth.

My alphas move to arrange themselves in a triangle, each of them kneeling and facing each other. Smith hauls me up with him, snuggling me in his arms and licking at the claim he left on my throat. His knot pulses inside me, stretching to fill every last nook. I feel us lock together again and sob while I find the place I want to mark each of them—just above the heart.

It’s like plugging in a string of lights. One moment, the tether is loose, and the next, it pulls taut, connecting us as it sparkles to life.

And I can feel him.

His pride, his adoration. The solid, serious weight in his center. And underneath all of that, the fear that he won’t be able to hold us all up.

I funnel reassurance to him, opening every inner door to let him see inside. Showing him how cared-for and loved I’ve felt for the last few weeks. Telling him he’s the strongest, most competent alpha an omega’s ever had.

“Remi,” he murmurs quietly, clutching at me while he comes again, groaning. “God, I love you. Can you feel how much?”

It floods into me, a wash of warmth and gratitude. He’s so, so thankful. For me.

The feeling sends tears to my eyes. He kisses them away, nuzzling our faces together. “I’ve never been more grateful for a gift in all my life. Or more unworthy.”

It isn’t true. I press my lips into his skin, showing him just how worthy he is with flashes of memory. I feel his mouth curve against my cheek while he listens internally, the connection between us solidifying into an unbreakable strand.

My pack alpha’s knot releases. I hear a gasp. The scent of spiced autumn beats at me, like a pulse in the air. Smith feels my pang of guilt for getting distracted and laughs softly. “Is Damon next, angel?”

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