Page 145 of Knot Her Shot

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I did good.

They are good.

And I did that.

Built us a life, took them in, made this pack. Somehow kept us together even though we were falling apart.

The whole time, it felt like I was failing. Not being the pack alpha they needed to reach their full potential. But maybe potential was never the fucking point.

Maybe this is.

They don’t need someone to micromanage their lives into oblivion. They just need me and Remi. And a place where they know other people see them. And love them.

Remi did that part, just by being herself.

The heat has been life-changing for a lot of reasons, but I think the best one may just be how much I miss her. It’s odd—I’ve been inside her body for a third of every day, soaked in her scent, surrounded by her moans, and sleeping with her silken curls strewn around me.

But I miss her.

Science never could have done that. No equation in the world would make her the woman who warms my heart like no other. It has nothing to do with her omega or my alpha, it’s just.. her.

So when she stirs, cracking open eyes that actually seem somewhat alert, my heart flips. Joy rises right to my face, and I let it show, flashing a smile at her while I arch an eyebrow. “Is that my very naughty omega? Or my sweet little petal?”

She doesn’t answer with words, but the beaming grin on her face is enough to tell me that I’m right—she’s back from her haze. At least a little bit.

I’m relieved. She’s been increasingly bratty about eating and washing. Last night, Cass and Damon had to hold her down in the tub while I spanked her ass and her pussy. Luckily, she didn’t notice they were rinsing bubbles out of her hair while I did it.

The food issue has Damon stressed. He’s tried to feed her every time she’s woken up for the last two days, but she isn’t ever up for more than a few bites before she goes back to begging for a knot.

In four days, I doubt she’s gone more than a few hours without intense need. I’m grateful she’ll never have to go through a single heat alone ever again. Enduring them on her own must have been excruciating.

Just picturing it puts me on edge. She feels my scent darken, and her eyes go wide. I make my way over to her, reaching between Damon and Cass to cup her cheek. She feels cooler, but still warm. Which means it’s time.

This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. Aching for.

She’s going to be mine. Ours.



The first thing I see when I open my eyes is the alpha who makes my belly flip.

He’s lying close but still far enough to necessitate peering through the murky pre-morning gray that’s filtering into my nest, somehow. The details are still hazy, just like the edges of my vision. But his face is set in sharp, clear lines, relief and desire bright in his dark eyes.

Pack alpha, my Omega supplies, sounding sleepy and sated for the first time in as long as I can remember. Bite. Claim. Mine.

I swear, she just about yawns on that last word, as if she can’t be bothered to keep her eyes open anymore. As far as she’s concerned, there’s no urgency. Nothing to worry about. These alphas are hers, and they’re going to bite her as soon as we let them.

The pack alpha does nothing to dispel her smug assumption. Instead, he crawls over and cups my face in his hands. That one simple touch is enough to pull a whine out of me.

The cramp that pangs through my core isn’t as wrenching as I expect, but it’s enough. My body clamps around the other alphas. They’re still inside me, and the motion rouses them both.

My bear alpha grunts into my hair, nestling closer, while my sweet alpha kisses my forehead, muttering. “Mm, pretty girl. Love you, too.”

I feel them both get thicker, straining to press deeper. The pack alpha smirks, running his eyes over our tangle. The expression looks so familiar; a name suddenly pings in my brain.


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