Page 138 of Knot Her Shot

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Satisfied that everything we need will be here soon, I pull my loose tie off and nuzzle my face into Remi’s hair. My hands already seem to have minds of their own—one skims up her back, and the other dips below the hem of her skirt, cupping her ass to draw her body into mine.

Hot skin sears me through my dress shirt, her rounded cheek burning against my sternum. She tries to scent-mark me through the material. It must chafe because she whines, the sound distressed.

“It’s time, omega,” I murmur. “Let me take care of everything.”

“But I’m not ready!” she cries, tears squeezing out of her eyes. “I haven’t cleaned the downstairs or ordered our meals or gathered up everyone’s stuff. And the game! I can’t take the guys out this week?—”

I kiss her forehead, enveloping her in my arms. “I’ve already taken care of all of that. I did the vacuuming and emptied the dishwasher while you were in the shower. The food is on its way. As soon as the guys see their phones, they’ll be on their way, too.”

My purr gets louder. “Aren’t these bright lights hurting your eyes, petal? Come on. Let’s go where it’s nice and dark.”

The rattle in my chest unwinds some of the tension in Remi’s shoulders. She sways on her feet, leaning more heavily on me. When I catch a look at her face, I see that her pupils have eclipsed their blue-gold irises.

It’s coming on fast, then. No time to waste.

The next words out of her mouth barely sound lucid. “They’ll be mad,” she mumbles, hiding against my lapel. “They won’t want me anymore. They’ll send me away.”


I yank on my internal leash, smothering the snarl that wants to rip from my throat. My rage is entirely directed at myself—she doesn’t need to deal with it right now.

I hate myself for ever letting her think that any of us could ever send her away or stop wanting her. But none of this is about me. She needs reassurance, and I need to give it to her.

“No one will ever send you away again,” I vow, picking her up. “I’m never leaving you. And soon you’ll be able to feel how much I mean that.”

The way she surrenders to my care gives me indescribable satisfaction. Before, she might have tried to fight the urge to let me take over, but she trusts me completely now. I feel it in the way her body goes lax in my arms while I carry her to her nest.

God, it really is beautiful in here. All the colors of sunrise glow with the soft twilight seeping through the skylight strips. Knowing it will soon be dark, I set to work, stripping her out of her skirt and heels, shucking my own clothes in the process.

She whines when I have to leave her briefly to gather supplies. The helpless whimpers slash at my heels until I’m running through the house, stacking shit into the laundry basket we’ve used to collect gently worn clothes for the last two weeks.

Our sheets are the last thing I scoop up, charging back into the nest with piles of fabric, bottles of water, protein shakes, and her toiletry bag. I drop it all by the door and go straight back to where she’s curled into a ball at the center of the floor mattress.

“Come here, baby.” I pull her into my lap and scent-mark her face. “Does it hurt? Do you want my knot?”

She cuddles into my chest. “I want—my alphas. All of you.”

I smile into her hair. Irene warned me about this, in so many words. Specifically, she said, “Don’t be a jealous knot-brained alpha-hole when your omega wants your packmates as much as she wants you. And don’t even mention it when she starts to lose lucidity and can’t remember meaningless specifics like names. She needs your knot, not your name, got it?”

Got it.

“The others are coming as fast as they can,” I reassure her. “I’m going to get you settled and help you build this beautiful nest for us.”

She nods, rubbing her lips over my Adam’s apple. My cock jerks under her ass. I blow a steady stream of air out of my nose and maneuver Remi to the edge of the recessed mattress, propping her against the cushioned, circular wall.

Snatching her hairbrush, makeup wipes, and a protein shake with a straw, I bend to meet her eyes and send a small pulse of alpha power. “You’re going to drink this. The whole thing, omega. Now.”

She’s already starting to get an attitude about food, which is why it’s essential that I get as much energy into her as I can. Her nose wrinkles, but she takes the bottle from me. As she sucks on the straw, I set to work brushing her hair out and removing all of her makeup.

When she’s beautifully bare-faced and her curls are woven into a loose coil, I take the empty protein shake from her and replace it with a bottle of water. She sips it tentatively, watching while I haul all of her nesting supplies over for her.

Do we have enough? There are three sheets, the comforter, Cassian’s hoodie and four pairs of his sweats, six of Damon’s T-shirts. Two weeks’ worth of my boxers…


I turn to find her staring at me with wide, vulnerable eyes. Our Remi’s still in there, for now, but she isn’t 100 percent in control. Whatever she wants to say must be something she and her Omega agree on. “Yes, angel?”

Her lower lip quivers while she smiles at me. “You’re the best alpha ever.”

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