Page 106 of Knot Her Shot

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But, instead, her voice is clear and soft. It floats down the steps. “I’m up here, Alpha.”

She appears at the top of the stairs, naked under a silky pink robe. She has her hair down, her makeup removed. And her scent. Holy God. She must have showered her de-scenter off quickly because her perfume is pure, perfect honey.

I inhale it, feeling my canines pulse with the urge to bite. Which is when I realize—she isn’t afraid. There’s no burned undercurrent to her. Maybe a tiny bit of nervousness, judging by the slight rounding of her blue-gold gaze. But, otherwise, she seems steady.

I still hold Cassian back. My mind races, trying to decide what’s best for both of them.

One of the suited alphas in my small group earlier had a story like this. He went into a rut and scared his omega half to death. Ever since, she hasn’t been able to be alone with him. Remembering the tortured regret in that guy’s eyes is enough for me to summon a ferocious bark.

“You will wait.”

Damon instantly freezes at my back. Cassian’s body jerks, trying to shake off the command. When he can’t quite slip free, I use his collar to jerk him upright.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” I say, turning to gaze up at Remi. “We’ll wrestle him all night if we have to.”

It’s true. I’ll bark until I’m hoarse if it’s the only way to protect her. Although, Damon’s “knock him out” idea has some merit.

But Remi squares her shoulders, lightly tossing her hair back. “It’s all right,” she says. “This is what he needs. Let him go. He can chase me.”

I’m not proud of the way my cock jerks. Hearing the snarl I smother in my chest, Cassian lunges forward. I barely manage not to lose my grip on him, speaking through a ticking jaw. “Excuse me?”

A small smile touches her mouth. “He can chase me, catch me, then knot me,” she says, clear and calm. “You can both watch if you like. I’m going to lead him into the nest as soon as you let him go.”

Fucking hell.

She has a whole plan for this? Somehow, that strikes me as very “Remi.” She’s a good girl—so fucking good—but she clearly has a secret naughty side to her. I saw it the night she came sneaking into my room. And she leaves me panties to use as pocket squares, as if that isn’t entirely deviant.

She’s also organized and poised. She doesn’t seem scared or irritated. She almost seems… excited.

Perfect omega.

My own Alpha growls his approval, vehement. For half a second, my pack leader instincts war with mate inclinations. I want her for myself, but I need to keep my whole pack safe.

What did Julian tell that tattooed alpha tonight?

Leadership is sacrifice.

Mastering my body takes a moment. When I’m firmly in control, I give Cassian a shake. “You’re going to chase our omega down,” I bark, low and even. “And when you find her, you’ll take her in front of us. We’re going to watch.”

I cast Damon a quelling look. “Just watch.”

He mutters something that sounds like, “Lucky son of a bitch,” but starts pulling his gear off. I shuck my jacket and start to unbutton my own sleeves, releasing my stranglehold on Cassian, along with one final bark. “Go get her.”

Cass takes off, crashing up the stairs. Remi gives a squeal that makes me want to hunt her down myself. Then, she’s scurrying away.

For a long moment, Damon and I stand shoulder-to-shoulder, staring in awe. His eyes flicker to the rumpled pile of clothing on the floor, brows quirking. “Are those Remi’s panties?”



A pound beats at the base of my throat while I watch Smith hold Cassian back.

My rutting alpha is beyond all reason—teeth gnashed menacingly while he rips his uniform off. Torn fabric flutters to the floor as Smith fights to restrain him.

But I…

I want him. I want to be chased. My instincts are wired for this.

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