Page 94 of Knot Her Goal

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It hurts.

So badly I can’t control the whimper of gut-twisting pain. I’m about to shove him back—cameras be damned—but he ends the embrace just as suddenly as he started it. In a blink, I’m back on my feet, being spun right into Ronan.

He catches me, our gazes connecting. Whatever he sees in mine sends a spark of fury through his. Without a word, he tucks me against his chest, playing the gesture of comfort off as a public display of affection.

I know no one else will hear his purr over the din, but I do. It blurs the edges of Declan’s actions, making the whole scene just palatable enough for me to do what I need to do and walk forward with the rest of them.

We have a whole plan, I coach internally. Just remember the plan.

After making our entrance with Declan, I’m supposed to spend the first hour of the event on Ronan’s arm. He has numerous high-profile business contacts to shake hands with and having me there facilitates the necessary introductions. By the end of the hour, it feels like I’ve met every billionaire on the Eastern Seaboard.

The dinner portion of the evening belongs to Theo, who claims the seat closest to mine at our table. He spends the meal feeding me bites of his food while stealing pieces of mine. With his arm along the back of my chair and his fingers stroking the nape of my neck, it’s hard to stay upset. I’m grateful he’s there to make me laugh and block me with his big body.

Especially since everyone is staring at me. Quite rudely, for a room full of so many proper, wealthy people. There’s one old man in particular who outright leers from his place at the bar. Every time I pause and take note of the number of eyes on me, shivers roll down my limbs.

Archer’s warm palm skims over my thigh under our table. “Are you cold, sweetheart? We should have packed a shawl for you.”

Theo immediately moves to wrestle his jacket off, but I stop him, smirking, “You can’t take off your tails, big guy. Daddy will be mad.”

It was Ronan’s one pack rule for the night; no undressing. From his place at Archer’s right side, Ronan casts me a dark look promising all sorts of delicious punishments for my impertinence. It reminds me that—before all of the evenings’ mixed feelings—I was truly hoping tonight might be the night he decided to take me.

They’ve all been considerate. They know taking on four alphas is a lot, and no one wants me to feel overwhelmed. But I feel ready for more.

Assuming this whole night doesn’t go up in flames.

It seems unlikely by the time our plates are cleared. Ronan excuses himself to wheel and deal. Declan never even made it to our table—he’s been camped out at one of the bars across the ballroom with a large group of admirers. They lap up every word he says, collapsing into laughter on cue.

“This is why he does the speeches,” Archer grouses, bending to murmur in my ear. “Apparently we’re the only ones who know what an ass he is.”

“I feel privileged,” I smirk. “Time for a dance?”

Throughout all our planning, that was Archer’s one request for the night—a dance with me. Little does he know, I have plans for a whole lot more.

His brows lift in surprise. He flashes me the shy grin I adore. “If you’re up for it.”

I bend down to his ear and tug his hand. “It’s a start.”



Before this pack, I had a pretty shitty life.

The first ten years were hell. The second ten were worse. Without Theo and his family taking me in, sometimes I think I would be dead.

Maybe I should be. My mom always thought so.


I know what true fear feels like. The deep, visceral kind that grips your guts and yanks them up your throat. The sort you want to vomit up, just to get them out.

It’s been years since I felt like this.

I almost forgot how much it sucks.

My stomach seethes as I wait beside the stage at the front of the ballroom. It’s annoying. I didn’t expect to be nervous; I’ve delivered the remarks at this gala for three years in a row, not to mention all the bullshit interviews I do.

Public speaking isn’t new for me, but this speech will be. It’s the best I could come up with, after weeks of feeling guilty as fuck for the way I’m treating Meg and my inability to get my shit together.

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