Page 90 of Knot Her Goal

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The idea of Theo trying to keep his feelings to himself makes me smile. “So, for the most part, I’ll be immersed in most of your feelings most of the time?”

Archer laughs quietly. “No. The bonds aren’t that all-consuming. Maybe at first. But eventually, they just become part of us. Think about...”

He mulls for a moment, searching for an analogy. “Your palm, for example. You walk around all day and don’t think twice about it. The sensation of air hitting it, the feel of your phone in your hand. You don’t think about it, until you do. Then, when you focus on that one area, sensations come through. Bonds are like that.”

I see what he means. My palms tingle when I focus on them, prickling with awareness. But normally? I forget the nerves are even there.

I smile. “That seems amazing, actually.”

He grins back. “It is. You are. Bonds are only possible through omegas, sweetheart.”

I cock a teasing smirk. “My superpower, huh? Along with taking tons of knots.”

Instead of laughing, Archer’s face grows intense. “As many knots as you want,” he vows.

He wants me. I can feel it. But he’s still such a gentleman.

I rise up onto my knees, sliding one across his lap until I’m straddling him. “We should practice, then,” I mumble, bending to kiss his throat. “I want you to teach me.”

I feel him swallow hard. He runs his hands over my sides, settling them on my hips. “This is the perfect position,” he rumbles. “I can purr for you. You can ride my cock and take as much of my knot as you want. I’ll rub it against your clit and tease your pussy with it.”

A whine slips out of me. Archer shushes me softly, trailing his hand over my backside and finding the crotch of my panties. One long finger strokes along my folds, gathering slick.

He growls into my crown. “Goddamn, Meg. Is all of this for me?”

I nod, raking my teeth over his jaw as I confess, “Your lessons turn me on.”

He hums, thoughtful. “Then I think you’ll like this one.”

Archer snaps into action, kissing me soundly. His muscles tense, holding himself back to go my speed.

But that bitchy, demanding voice in my middle isn’t having it. She says, fuck that.

And the next thing I know, I’ve ripped his shirt open.


Archer rears back and runs his eyes over my face. The second he sees the frantic need in my gaze, he snarls.

The sound is pure alpha—demanding, possessive, and aggressive. I moan as it rolls down my spine, arching my back and settling into the pool of wetness between my thighs.

Archer reaches over and rips my tank top off, watching with dark, hungry eyes while my breasts bounce into view.

He crushes our chests together while he kisses me, licking into my mouth. An empty pang tweaks my core. I grind my body into his, already panting for the feeling of his skin. “Please, Alpha. I need you.”

Archer sinks his teeth against the soft part of my shoulder, pinioning me in place while he shucks his pants and rips my panties off.


Rips them off.

I gasp, biting him back, wishing I could break his skin. He chokes on a groan, gripping my hips hard and positioning my slick center over his huge cock. I feel it throb against the thin skin of my thighs, sending tingles down my legs.

I squirm against him until his fingers fist the back of my hair, digging into the roots, tugging at the buns. “Let me teach you,” he commands.

Another surge of pure arousal tightens my inner muscles. I whine for him, begging without words.

“Good omega,” he rumbles, dropping his eyes to my slick core. “Push up onto your knees.”

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