Page 55 of Knot Her Goal

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I whimper, tugging at his scratchy pants and the layer of fabric under them. Why does he keep making me do that? Why isn’t he naked yet?

I’m about to start begging when he walks us into a different room. I can’t care where we are. I only care that he’s finally using one of his hands to undo his pants and shove them down. As soon as they’re out of the way, his big, hard cock springs up and smacks my ass.

Oh my God. Why am I still wearing underwear? This is torture. I want skin-on-skin. A frantic whine builds in my throat, sharp and full of frustration.

“Shhhh, sweetheart.” It’s the other alpha. The one who smells like spice and sounds like deep, calm water. I want to drink him.

“You want your panties off?” he continues. “You want to feel your alpha without anything in the way?”

My lip hurts from how hard I’m biting it as I whimper more, nodding. That’s all the big alpha holding me needs to reach down and rip my black boy shorts right through the crotch.

Which is so. Effing. Hot.

My pussy clenches on air. A painful pulse echoes through my empty core while fresh slick pours down my thighs.

I hear voices—something about someone sitting down and someone else taking off his shirt for him. I don’t care at all because seconds later, the big alpha lowers us into soft leather. And, suddenly, all of his perfect, scorching skin is on display.

I attack it, nuzzling his chest, kissing his pecs, licking up to the delicious warmth of his neck. His head falls back, his hands gripping me harder while he groans.

This is what I was made for. To make this alpha happy. To make him come. He has to mark me with it, then mark me with his bite. So I’ll be able to take care of him forever.

But, first, I need him to make this pulsing pain go away.

“Please, Alpha,” I beg. “It hurts.”

There’s panic building under my skin, pressing out of my pores. I need, I need, I need.

Someone has to help me.


The sweet, intoxicating scent of smoke curls around me like incense. It’s coming from the third alpha, the one whose voice eliminates all doubt, fear, or uncertainty.

Because I know—when he speaks, I obey.

My eyes snap to his automatically. He’s positioned behind the alpha I’m on top of, standing just past his massive, muscled shoulder.

Burning silver eyes meet mine, full of possession and lust. Everything I want and need.

“Perfect,” he praises, the word a caress. “You’re going to grind on Theo’s cock for us while we watch. And if you’re good, maybe we’ll take our cocks out for you, too. Would you like that, baby girl?”

I’m panting with how much I would like that. His face softens a tiny bit, the expression familiar as half of his mouth curls up at the corner. The little piece of humanity he only seems to offer me.

Ronan, a distant part of my brain shouts, her voice distorted, like it’s under water.

That’s Ronan and this is Theo.

Mine, the echo in my chest corrects. They are all mine.

The thought hits my heart, making it flutter while I gush more slick for them. Under me, the one called Theo groans again, his body surging up to connect with my core. Ronan’s hand lands on his shoulder.

“No,” he barks quietly. “You’re going to let her use you.”

Theo and I both moan at that thought. His big hands frame my hips, positioning my clit right along his thick, steely length. I can’t see it clearly from where I am, but I size him with my body, gliding up and up and up.

He doesn’t end until well past his navel, where the weeping tip of his cock presses into the ridges of his abs. I slide up over those, too, mewling at the texture against my buzzing clit.

Theo’s fingertips dig into my hips, bruising. The thought makes me wild. I want those marks. I’ll take any he’ll give me.

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