Page 38 of Knot Her Goal

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I see Ronan’s gears turning—he’s going to interrogate me on all of this later. I’ll have to pull a few studies for him to read. We should all be well-versed in what Meg needs.

As soon as I have the thought, I realize: my decision is made. I’m ready to commit to her now. And we haven’t even sat down.

That word—mate—streaks across my frontal lobe every time I look into her eyes.

It isn’t just her scent, as incredible as it is. It’s her. The way she looks at me—so open and vulnerable, even though I can tell she hates to ask for anything. The way she jumped into Theo’s arms and didn’t balk at his enthusiasm. The way she makes Ronan slow down and smile.

She’s just… ours.

My purr grows deeper. Meg sways closer. I steady her with my free hand, slowly stepping up against her.

“There’s nothing wrong with you,” I murmur, caressing her back. She shivers, her scent spiking with her pleasure from that one simple touch. “And definitely nothing wrong with wanting us to touch you. In fact, I think we’ll all fight for the privilege.”

With a deep breath, she gives in and falls into my arms. For a second, I worry she’ll feel the erection pressing at my fly and be nervous. But she only snuggles her plush hips against mine, wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face against my vibrating chest.

Scent-marking me, I realize. I’m not even sure she knows she’s doing it, but a swoop of joy soars through me anyway.

Theo comes to hover at my elbow. He’s restless, brimming with the same excitement I feel.

It’s odd for us to stand close together; alphas like their personal space. But, somehow, with Meg at the center, it feels right.

He palms the back of her head gently, stroking her hair with his massive hand. When her glassy eyes roll up to his, he winks. “Sorry to intrude, precious. Had to get in on all this good stuff. I felt left out.”

With a tiny smirk and a cute little eye roll, Meg reaches one of her hands over to squeeze his beard. “If you want me around, you’ll have to share, big guy. Archer says I’m a hot commodity.”

Theo reminds me of a school-kid convincing his teacher he can behave, zealously nodding at her with wide eyes. “Sharing. Cool. Yup. Sharing is caring. I love sharing. You got it, peaches.”

Meg’s laugh makes me laugh, too. Until a pointed rumble interrupts our trio. Ronan steps in front of me, his laser intensity focused squarely on the woman in my arms.

“Before we all settle in,” he says. “We need to talk.”



I don’t have a clue what I expected from these alphas.

But it wasn’t this.

Put simply: it cannot be this easy.

My mother’s voice in my head tells me not to trust it, reminding me that I need to be tough. Independent. Smart.

I can’t deny the connections I already feel, though. Not just with the pack and their scents, but with each of the alphas individually.

I even feel weirdly drawn to asshat Declan, who clearly wants nothing to do with me. I’m more than a little devastated that he doesn’t even want to come out of his room while I’m here.

When his face floats through my mind, I find myself stuffing down sobs. My instincts tell me this isn’t right, that I need all of my alphas.

But, obviously, that little voice is a psycho. These men aren’t mine.

Especially not Declan.

I’d probably feel much worse about how much their absent packmate hates me if Archer didn’t have me cradled against his lean, solid chest.

His rumbling purr soaks into my body. It’s everything I’ve wanted since I woke up on his exam table.

A flood of endorphins soothes every ragged nerve in my body. Being encased in his long, muscled arms, with Theo pressing into our sides, feels like a sudden runner’s high. Ginger and citrus muddle in the air. My body relaxes while my mind clears, my insides melting into contented jelly.

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