Page 18 of Knot Her Goal

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“Yes and he is an ass!” I cry, then cover my mouth and squeak, shaking my head. “No, this cannot be happening. It isn’t happening.”

Remi takes a slow bite of a cookie, chewing deliberately, every crunch calling me a liar. “Why not?”


I scramble for an explanation. True, the men in the conference room smelled better than any others I’ve ever encountered. Like perfection, actually.

But what about the random player in the elevator? He wasn’t part of their pack. And he smelled soooo good. Even better than the others. At least, once we got out of the building.

Stupid scent-neutralizers.

The other men may have gotten under my skin and caused the demise of my panties, but Elevator Hottie was the original reason for my meltdown. I drove away from him because I knew I had to for my own safety?—

But it was agony.

And once I got to the first stoplight and realized we hadn’t even exchanged names; that I would never have any way of seeing him again, assuming I didn’t get the job I’d just walked out of the interview for.

I lost it. The whine that came out of me would have stopped traffic, if anyone had heard it.

Then I started crying like an idiot. Over some stranger I only spent two minutes with. Granted, he was unfairly gorgeous and sweeter than he had any reason to be, but still.

I should’ve been afraid of him. He was the most enormous person I’ve ever seen—easily twice the size of an average man. Between his stature, those light green eyes, his blond man-bun and beard, he looked like Thor’s hotter little brother.

An unbonded alpha of that size, scenting my perfume and looking at me the way he did when I first walked onto the lift, ought to have terrified me. For a moment, I was afraid. You know, like a sane person would be.

But, then, I don’t know. He just felt safe.

Kind, too. The way he tried to joke with me and made a sincere effort to show me where he intended to keep his hands.

He was gentle. Not at all what I expected from such a monstrously large man. One who plays a violent sport, no less.

“I guess if it really had been a mate situation, the guy on the elevator wouldn’t have smelled as good as the Ash pack,” Remi muses, reading my mind. “So maybe your heat is sooner than we think? Or the suppressants aren’t working at all anymore?”

Her light hazel eyes glow with disapproval and worry. “You should talk to your doctors, Meg. I’m super worried about you. What if your heat starts early?”

I whine before I can help myself. The image of going through that ordeal alone and unmedicated is nauseating.

Remi scoots closer, banding her arm around my waist. “Sorry,” she mumbles, blushing while she ducks her head and reaches for another cookie.

“It’s okay. You’re right, anyway.”

We crunch cookies in silence for a long moment before Remi’s brows tweak. “Didn’t you say that the Ash pack has four alphas? Where was the other one?”

I shrug, wishing I’d changed my clothes. My big-girl bra and blouse feel scratchy and too tight. “I don’t know. Not there, I guess. Maybe at practice? He’s the—something.”

A lightbulb flicks on behind Remi’s features. She grabs her phone and types furiously, her expression crumpling in concentration until she smiles and flips the screen around.

I choke on my breath, wheezing over the involuntary whimper climbing up my throat.

Her screen displays my lemongrass-scented elevator buddy. All two-hundred-eighty pounds of him. And his sexy man-bun.

“Is this the guy you met?” she guesses, grinning.

“Yes,” I shriek, amazed. “How did you find him?”

Remi grins. “It was easy. I just googled Ash Pack Packmates and looked under images. This is their fourth alpha. Theo Matthews.”


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