Page 142 of Knot Her Goal

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Before I can think twice about it, I have my phone out again, sending Archer an SOS. He replies that he’s on his way up.

Meg is on the floor when I charge into the ladies’ room. I have no time to wonder how long she’s been there or why no one bothered to try to help her. I’m too busy sinking to my knees and taking her head in my hands.

She whines quietly, her hips bucking. Pain creases the space between her eyes. “Alpha. I knew you would come.”

I exhale around the urge to rip her leggings off and knot her right fucking here, focusing on carefully pulling her into my lap.

“Of course you did, good girl,” I praise. “Daddy will always come for you. And Archer is on his way, too.”

Meg seems to understand, nodding and nuzzling my neck at the same time. “How did you know to come find me?”

I swallow a snort. “Declan is wigging out.”

Her lips twitch into a weak smile. “He always knows when I’m not safe.” A pained whimper slips out on her next breath. My body stiffens with alarm.

“We’re going to get you home, baby girl,” I promise. “And make you ours.”



The scoreboard flashes over Osprey Stadium, bragging so I don’t have to.


Not fucking bad. And fourteen of those points are mine.

I join the other guys on the field, rushing out to shake hands with the opposition. Even in a field of pro football players, I’m still taller than pretty much everyone. I crane my neck, scanning for my packmates.

A hand fists the back of my jersey, jerking me. “C’mon. Now.”

It’s Dec, and he sounds pissed. I turn around to glower at him—because, seriously? What the fuck, man; we just crushed it—but his face gives me a chill.


He looks freaked.

I snap into my body all at once, instincts whirring back online.


Something isn’t right. Why else would Archer bail? And Declan may be a dick about it, but he’s always known when she’s in danger before the rest of us.

He holds onto my shirt while we plow through the crowded field, making a beeline for the tunnel. Ronan is there, his expression darker than I’ve ever seen it. He motions over his shoulder. “We’re leaving. Now.”

“What the fuck happened?” Dec demands. “I’ve been three seconds away from puking for the last hour. Where is Meg?”

Ronan blows out a breath. It looks like he’s counting internally, trying to wrestle his impulses. “Meg is fine, but she’s in heat.”

My mind skips like a broken record. His words don’t sink in. “Wait. What?”

Ronan growls, leading our charge down into the tunnel, “She went into heat early. Archer says that can happen, especially with undue stress. Coming here today was clearly too much for her, but she forced herself anyway.

Declan freezes, his shoulders rising and falling on exaggerated breaths. “Fuck.”

Ronan runs both hands through his hair, snarling at the dark concrete ceiling. “I know. Listen, there will be time to talk about all this shit in the future, but we have to go. Right now.”

I shake my head. As if that will help all of this make sense. “Where the hell is she? In the car?”

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