Page 138 of Knot Her Goal

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On the outside.

Inside? Not so much.

This is my first pre-heat without any suppressants in my system, and I’m starting to understand why the prospect of letting me go through this alone so thoroughly horrified my doctors.

I feel like I’m a little bit… crazy?

A hormonal mess, for sure. I burst into tears when I had to choose who to sleep next to in our bed last night. I wound up moving twice in the middle of the night so I could spend enough time touching each of them. This morning, when Ronan answered his phone during breakfast, I instantly whined for his full attention. That one was so embarrassing, I nearly ran out of the house to begin a new life.

…And then cried about how horribly sad I would be if I actually left.

You’d never know I need an exorcism, though. If anything, the guys seem even more in love with me. I’m touching one of them at all times—and not just because I want to.

While we walk toward the tunnel that leads to the locker room, I marvel at how incredibly safe I feel. Ronan is at the lead, Declan bundling me into his side. Archer holds my left hand, the grip comforting and warm. Theo looms at my back, as thick as a brick wall.

My body is going haywire—revolting against the fluorescent lights overhead, the noise of the full stadium overhead—but my Omega knows we’re fine as long as they’re all with me.

Unfortunately, that’s about to come to an end.

Our group halts where the hall splits off. Theo wraps his arms around my middle and pulls me into big bear hug, spinning us. The familiar gesture gets me to smile a little before he sets me on my feet and adjusts the orange-heart sunglasses on top of my head.

His green eyes look serious while he traces my cheekbone. “You good?”

I know what he’s really asking. And I know if I say I’m not okay, he will walk away from this huge game without a second thought. They all will.

So, I turn my smile up a notch, trying for shiny and bright. I wave at the tunnel. “Get out of here, big guy. Go kick ass for me.”

His face lights up with a perfect Theo grin. “You got it, peaches.”

He backs off and lets Declan at me. My moody vanilla alpha instantly pulls me into his arms and kisses me like he’s dying. Or I am. Either way it’s intense and it goes on until I’m a perfuming mess.

Ronan growls a warning, and Declan’s chest rumbles in reply. Not wanting them to snap at each other, I carefully pull back and try to give Dec a smirk.

He isn’t having it. His face is severe while he cups his hands around my face. “If you need me, you will send someone to get me.”

It’s the only time he’s ever barked at me on purpose, and he’s doing it to keep me secure. The soft, urgent words hit my heart like a bolt from Cupid’s bow. I sway and nod, letting Archer tuck me into his tall frame.

Declan exhales through his nose and squeezes his eyes shut as he turns away, storming off. Now I know him well enough to know he’s worried, not angry. He’s only stalking off because he’s afraid he won’t be able to leave me if he doesn’t go now.

At least, I think so.

Ugh. I cannot wait until we’re all bonded and I can feel all of these feelings with them instead of taking my best guess.

Archer holds me tenderly, his purr erasing any lingering doubt or worry from Declan’s departure. “I’ll be down there with them the whole time,” he assures me. “I’ll keep an eye on everything for you.”

I squeeze him. “Thank you. If Declan?—”

Archer frowns fiercely. “If he even blinks wrong, I’ll pull him. I promise you. I’m going to go tape his shoulder up now.”

I grab both of his hands, kissing the backs of each before I release him. “Thank you, Archer.” I swallow a wad of emotion. “I mean it. You do everything for me and for the pack?—”

His smile is brilliant. He bends to kiss my cheek, murmuring, “I always will. I love you, sweetheart. See you soon?”

I nod, going right to Ronan’s side. My lungs feel tight, and my clothes suddenly itch everywhere. Watching three of my alphas walk away feels like lopping my hand off at the wrist. It seems unnatural to just… get on the elevator and ride five levels up.

Luckily, Ronan is in control. He guides me with a firm hand at the small of my back, his eyes scanning protectively as we emerge into the plush level that holds the skyboxes.

He turns to check in with me before we move. “Are you sure you’re all right, baby girl? We can tell this other team’s owner to go to hell.”

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