Page 136 of Knot Her Goal

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I bite down on my smile. It’s been two weeks since his concussion, and he’s gone out of his way every day to make comments like that. Almost like he wants to make sure I know there’s no room in his mind for anyone but me.

Ronan strolls out of the house, joining us on the pool deck. He looks so ridiculously hot in his black swim trunks; all tan skin, swirling ink, and the threads of silver in his hair. He gives me his special half-smile when I perfume for him.

“Hi, baby girl,” he rumbles, sliding up behind me and palming my belly, stroking down. Reminding me exactly where he was all night. And where Archer was this morning.

Our alpha’s stubble pricks my ear while he murmurs to me. “You look so pretty for Daddy today.”

“That bikini is obviously for me!” Theo shouts from his pool lounger. My blond mountain of muscles looks stacked in his short navy swimsuit. “It goes with the sunglasses I got her, right, peaches?”

He has a matching pair on top of his head and a big fruity mocktail in his hand. I grin at him. “You know I’m too smart to answer that.”

They all love to jokingly one-up each other where I’m concerned. I didn’t get it at first, but since I started working through all of Archer’s research, it makes more sense. Until we’re all bonded, their instincts tell them to fight each other for me. All this silly bickering is their way of working through their territorial impulses.


The word alone has my core melting.

The guys and I haven’t discussed it since Declan’s injury. We were all focused on getting him back on the field. Other than the game they carried him out of, he only missed one other.

But now the Ospreys are 3-2. Which is, apparently, not great.

There’s a game with a division rival tomorrow. Declan’s been on-edge about it all week. Theo thinks we have it in the bag. I’m not sure which of them is right, but I’ll be in the box with Ronan either way. We’re hosting the opposing team’s owner and his wife.

The game is such a big deal, I made my very first mandate as their omega—a proper day off. Saturday afternoon relaxing at home.

The guys did me one better and put together a whole poolside spread. The grill is gassed up. Mrs. Fleming made trays of Florida-fruity drinks. The two TV monitors tucked into the lanai play college football coverage.

I plan to completely check out as soon as I get this video posted. Our alpha looks over my bare shoulder at my phone. “More content?”

“Leave the kids alone, old man,” Arch drawls, lowering his book and smirking from the reclining chair at the pool’s edge. “The team’s socials have never looked better or had more views.”

He is—as always—correct. He’s also unfairly handsome in yellow trunks and nothing else. The bright color contrasts with his gorgeous brown skin. The sunscreen slicking up his muscles doesn’t hurt, either. He religiously applies it to both of us every hour.

“Yeah,” Declan says, swatting my ass while he grins some more. “We’re working, Daddy.”

Ronan punches his non-throwing arm, but crowds closer. I toss Declan a shit-eating smirk while I press play on the audio sample I’ve pulled for our vanilla alpha.

When Ronan hears the lyrics to Jack Harlow’s “Lovin’ on Me,” he actually laughs out loud. Archer covers his face with his book, chuckling. Theo whoops from the pool, his own laugh echoing through the whole backyard. “Peaches, you are my hero.”

Declan pouts for real, now. “No way am I singing that, brat.”

I step up against his chest and beam at him. “Come on! It’s funny! Please? For me? It’s viral right now, and it’s literally too perfect not to use.”

It took a few days for me to realize it, but now I know—Declan is, shockingly, a complete softy. Only for me. And mostly in private. But still; I’m amazed by how my puppy-dog eyes affect him.

The tension leaks out of his posture, and he grabs for me. “Fine,” he growls against my mouth. “You owe me, omega.”

His hands on me, his perfect luscious sweetness. My perfume explodes, the peach edged with pure need.


My pre-heat symptoms started this morning in the shower, after Archer and I made love for over an hour. So far, it’s just mild cramps and an annoying, irrational neediness that settled somewhat once we were all together. I had hoped to hide everything from the guys until we got through tomorrow’s game.

Of course, my body has other plans.

Half a moment later, I’m surrounded. Theo drips all over the pool deck, his wet hands sliding around my middle. “Peaches…”

Ronan clasps my hand, but steps aside to give Archer access to me. Our doctor alpha runs a palm over my brow and hums, his eyes creasing.

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