Page 13 of Knot Her Goal

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“No,” he yells. “It’s your fault we lost the title the year before and had to start from scratch last season. Your fault we lost half of our offensive line, which led to you being injured.”

“I won’t work with her,” I growl, digging in. “She doesn’t belong here.”


Ronan’s alpha bark rings in my ears like a gunshot, stilling the air around me. Its dominance immediately shoves me into submission. My nose twitches against the urge to bare my neck.

Our alpha sweeps his packet from the beta off the table and starts for the door, issuing one last command on his way past me. “Get to practice.”



I come-to in the bathroom. Curled into a ball on the floor of a corner stall… covered in a sticky layer of dried sweat, with both pairs of slick-absorbing panties drenched through.

Oh eww.

So unattractive.

I survey my surroundings, taking stock. I’ve sweated off all of my de-scenter, leaving a fine layer of my own natural musk drying on my skin. Between that and the wet underwear, I’m basically wearing a neon sign for any alpha within a mile radius.


Definitely not humiliating or dangerous at all.

Luckily my mini-breakdown hasn’t alerted anyone to my presence. Yet. An omega having a heat-breakthrough in the hallway would be cause for plenty of fanfare, if anyone noticed.

I can’t remember anything after I ran out of the conference room. The sensation reminded me of the haze that comes over me during my heat. It was probably all I could do to get to the ladies’ room and curl into a ball.

The doctor warned me about this, dammit. She said my suppressants were going to stop working eventually—that they can only do so much for so long. Not that it matters if I’ve built up a resistance to the meds, since I can’t afford them anymore anyway. Especially after that disastrous interview.

I’m okay. It’s okay. I can still do this.

The reassurances I offer myself sound like bold-faced lies, considering I’m currently taking a sink-bath in a public restroom.

Even in complete denial, I can admit: I didn’t think it would be this bad. I sort of assumed stories about omegas walking into rooms of alphas and spinning into a tizzy were just exaggerations… or really pitiful omegas.

Joke’s on me.

Another point for biology.

At least my hormones have settled. I no longer feel like I’m going to wind up streaking naked across the football fields. Now, I’m just exhausted. I want my bed and my pile of cozy blankets. Or, since I’m heading to her place, one of Remi’s cozy blankets.

Shaking off the last of my jitters, I stuff the ruined underpants into the bottom of the trash can and wash my hands until they feel raw.

I can’t risk any hint of my perfume on any of my exposed skin. Even walking out of the building sans panties will be a huge risk.

But the elevator is right next to the bathroom, and it will let me out right at the side exit to the parking lot. Since I haven’t seen anyone else around, I figure all of the alphas on the team are in conditioning, out of the office, along with the coaches.

I should be safe for the thirty seconds it will take to get to my car.



I’m late.


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