Page 127 of Knot Her Goal

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He hasn’t stopped apologizing since we left the stadium. I know he feels responsible for Dec’s injury. Now he probably feels like our omega’s distress is his fault too.

Meg keens softly, her hands clutching at Ronan’s shirt. He purrs, a deep sonorous sound. “Shh,” he soothes. “Daddy’s here. I’ve got you.”

I edge up behind our omega, carefully pressing my own purr into her back while I gather her hair off her wet cheeks and drop my face to her crown.

Her body shakes harder. I know I’m a doctor, and it’s impossible, but I swear my heart physically cracks.

“Sweetheart,” I whisper. “Tell us what you need.”

She sniffs and sobs, “I just want him to let me in. I—I?—”

The words won’t come. Meg glances up at Ronan’s solemn face before turning to me. Her eyes fill with fresh tears along with the slightest glimmer of hope, begging me to understand.

And I do.

She loves him. She doesn’t know how or why, but she does.

I don’t blame her for being confused. All Declan has done is make her miserable. It must be confusing to have such strong feelings for him after all that.

For a split second, it stings. So far, Theo’s the only one she’s professed these feelings for. I know it’s wrong to compare. All of us will have different relationships with her. Different moments. It’s the way it’s supposed to be.

I work hard to shove down my less-honorable reflexes. Meg is so sensitive to the way her feelings and instincts affect us. If she thought any of this hurt me, she would be extremely hard on herself.

“You need him, too,” I supply, avoiding the word she clearly doesn’t want to say. I press a kiss on her forehead. “That’s what makes you so perfect for us.”

Pain draws her features tight. “I told him how I feel,” she whispers. “Maybe that isn’t good for him right now. I didn’t mean to do it, but it sort of just came out and—” She swallows hard. “He said he needs some time. He can’t think right now. But he asked me if he could stay in the nest for the night. Is that okay?”

Ronan and I glance at each other, brows raised. It isn’t our place to decide who goes into her sacred space, ever. He looks back down at her. “We don’t know. Is it okay, little one?”

Meg blinks, absorbing his meaning. Her lower lip trembles. “It isn’t mine,” she breathes, so small and quiet I barely hear her. “Not really.”

I almost jerk back from the shock of her words. My mouth drops open, ready to assure her that the nest is totally and irrevocably hers.

Ronan’s growl cuts me off. His fingers flex around her nape. “What did you just say?”

It isn’t really a question. He clearly heard every gut-wrenching word. Meg shakes, and I shoot him a glare he ignores, staring down at the woman between us with his singular intensity.

“I-it isn’t mine,” Meg repeats, every word quivering. “It won’t belong to anyone officially until you’re all bonded. And I don’t want to ruin that for all of you.”

I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Ronan so focused. My hackles rise. Protective instincts surge through me as a slight snarl vibrates in my throat, warning him.

He snaps his gaze to mine, flexing his dominance until I feel like my lungs won’t expand. Thankfully, he looks away first, fixing his absolute attention back on Meg.

I’m half-expecting a bark of some sort. But instead, his voice drops low.

“Do I need to bite you right here, right now?” he rumbles, eyes flashing white-hot. “I will, Megera. I will sink my teeth into your pretty neck, and then I’ll get on my knees and beg you to bite me back. I would rather wait until I’m inside of you, tied to you, holding you, but if a formal bond is what you need to know that everything in this house—your nest, your room, your alphas; everything—belongs to you, I will take you right fucking now.”

For the first time since the incident at the game, Meg’s perfume rises. Clear, bright, and beautiful. She gasps, panting when Ronan refuses to release her from his stare. The gray there rolls like a thunderstorm, but his fingers seem gentle while he brushes them over the sides of her face with reverence that echoes through my middle.

I didn’t expect this part of finding our omega. I knew I would have all of this for myself—I never anticipated how beautiful it would be to watch the other guys fall just as hard.

Love in its purest form, unfolding right in front of me. All day, every day.

The room holds its breath, and for a moment, Meg looks up at our pack alpha, reading his face. When she finally speaks, the words wobble with wonder. “Y-you want to bond with me?”

All three of us—even miserable, left-out Theo—immediately answer. “Yes.”

Our beautiful girl’s perfume swells, its brightness sharpening into the sweetest blade. Cutting into my center, carving out my pride. I want to go to my knees for her, beg her to let me pleasure her.

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