Page 125 of Knot Her Goal

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And then she laughs.

It’s a quiet, gentle thing, just like her little omega purr. But, damn if it doesn’t make me harder.

“Now that you’re awake,” she says dryly, “I can tell you that this is most definitely karma biting you in the butt.”

I manage to swing my gaze up over her naked chest, to her pinched face. “Sorry about the nudity,” she murmurs, glancing away. “It’s supposed to help regulate your body temperature. I tried putting a blanket on you, but you hated that. And my Omega was freaking the fuck out at how pale and cold you looked. When I called Archer, he suggested I try undressing us both.”

Nothing she says makes any sense. I open my mouth, only able to gasp out half a word through the pain in my head, “Wha?—”

Soft fingers smooth over my brow, halting me. “Shhh. It’s okay. You got hit during the game. You have a concussion. Archer gave you an IV with pain meds and fluids to keep you stable, and we got you home. He said you needed low light, no noise… and me.”

Defensiveness raises her voice an octave. “He said that, not me, okay? He said that having your—having me here with you would probably help you stabilize faster.”

I get my one eye open again, slowly rolling it to check out our surroundings. It is dark in here. Darker than any room in our house that I know of. Almost like the walls are covered in black velvet.

“Where are we?” I croak, letting my eyelid droop shut again.

Meg sighs. Her voice is apologetic. “The nest.”

This time, I manage to open both eyes. The shock of her reply bolsters me long enough to get a decent look around.

If I had the capacity, I’d berate myself for being dense as fuck. The comfortable cushions, the soft lighting, the fabric covering the walls. Of course this is a nest.

More than that, it’s her nest.

I see it, now.

Meg is everywhere.

The touches of gold and dove gray that match what she chose for her bedroom. The way they blend with the sumptuous midnight color she selected for her cushions.

The walls have a slight sheen to them—rich onyx velvet inlaid with gold lines that reflect the twinkle lights strung overhead. It’s comfortable and beautiful. Classy and elegant, but still inherently sensual. Practical, too, I would imagine, with all these dark fabrics to hide any messes.

It’s a weird thing to think about, but my brain is foggy and halting.

Definitely concussed.

Eventually my echoey thoughts remember that none of us have ever been in here before. The notion that she broke her own rule to give me somewhere comfortable to rest sends a different sort of pain rebounding behind my ribs.

“You brought me into your nest?”

She bites her plump lower lip. “Sorry. I know you’re probably pissed.”

I hope the look I give her is enough to tell her that the only emotion I currently feel is gratitude. “No. Not pissed.”

Her blue gaze searches my face. Some of the tension leaves her as she offers a small smile. “This feels familiar, huh? One of us waking up completely out-of-it. The other one assuming they’re going to be mad.”

I sigh, giving up on eyesight as a gut-clenching roll of nausea grips my stomach. “It’s a shame,” I pant. “In another life, if you’d invited me into your nest, I would have been worshipping at your feet.”

I hear the hurt in her silence and internally curse myself. I open my mouth to apologize but she moves away.

“I’m going to go tell the guys you’re awake,” she whispers. “Archer wanted to move you to your room as soon as you were. He’s worried about having the two of us in here.”

After the shitshow that went down in the gym, lying next to her while she purrs seems distinctly tame. “Why?”

“Your scent,” she replies, small. “He’s concerned having it in the nest will upset me when my heat starts and you’re?—”

Not here.

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