Page 100 of Knot Her Goal

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Maybe the size of our omega’s forearm…

He cuts Ronan a look and huffs an irritated breath out of his nose, ignoring our alpha’s question. His long fingers skirt the edge of our girl’s face while he catches her gaze.

“Do you want to get in your nest, sweetheart?”

Oh shit. We’re going there?

None of us have been in the nest yet. She keeps the door shut. I’m not even sure any of us have seen it. A cringy image of red suede cushions and neon hearts floats through my brain.

Dumb thing to worry about. Meg would never design something ugly after making her bedroom so stupid beautiful.

Underneath me, she tenses up. I kick my purr to the next level and go back to ghosting my lips along her panties. I’m pretty sure they’re the scent-blocking kind, which is crazy, given how strong her scent is right now. This whole room is going to drown in peach perfection as soon as I get them off…

Focus, Theo.

Meg’s voice sounds smaller. “I—It doesn’t feel right to me.”

Every time she shares these types of things, she looks like she wishes she could shrink down into nothing. It made no sense to me, before. Omegas’ instincts are the gold standard. Their intuitions are what make packs work.

Her needs bind us together, give us a common purpose. Her urges help keep us all on track. We literally need her to share this shit.

If she says the nest isn’t right, it isn’t right.


Archer nods, his face full of caring compassion. How did I never notice he’s such a good listener before? It’s all I see every time I watch him with Meg.

“Is the room not the right size or shape?” he asks, tucking her blonde hair back. “We can look into remodeling it immediately.”

“Or is it the stuff we picked out?” Ronan guesses. “You were in a rush and heading for a heat-spike. No one would blame you if you changed your mind and wanted to do it over again. In fact, we’d insist.”

Meg bites her lip and looks down.

At me.


I’m the one she needs right now? She thinks I can fix this?

It’s hard to get used that after being the fuck up around here for so long. But, for her, I’ll try just about anything.

On my elbows, I army-crawl up her luscious body and bury my face into her boobs for a brief, glorious second. Just to make her laugh. Mostly.

After a tiny giggle, she’s quiet again. I hoist myself up until I’m hovering over her, face-to-gorgeous-face. Big blue eyes fill with pleading. She blinks and sucks her lips behind her teeth, sending a quick glance to the open doors.

And I just know.


“You don’t want to get in the nest without Declan,” I translate, my brow lowering. “It doesn’t feel right to you.”

She blows out a shaky breath. “No, it doesn’t. The first time we all—you know—in the nest. It should be all of us, I think.”

I look at the others, seeing Ronan’s solid jaw and Archer’s serious eyes. Knowing they’ll agree with me even before I open my mouth. “Then we’ll wait for him before we all go into the nest with you.”

Archer has an opinion on it, probably something to do with her needing her nest for her upcoming heat and all that jazz. As far as I’m concerned, we can figure it out. After this.

I bend closer to Meg’s face, widening my eyes. “But for now, I think we should tell Daddy and the good doctor your little secret.”

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