Page 10 of Knot Her Goal

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Thank God I am wearing two sets of panties.

The vanilla and spice are too close together for me to tell which scent belongs to which alpha. The bonfire, though… That has to be Ronan Ash. Only a dominant alpha could possibly fill the room with his scent in seconds.

The smell turns darker and sweeter—almost edging into an aromatic incense.

What does that mean?

Is he upset?

Can he see through me already?

Only my desperation—pure and simple—allows me to even attempt to stay in the room. I really try. Clamping my thighs together, breathing strictly through my mouth.

I want to whimper, but that won’t do. The men sitting in front of me are pure powerhouses. And my mother prepared me for just such a thing. Or tried to, at least.

I have to blaze on.

But that’s the thing about going to war with your own body. Eventually, it just shuts you down. By force.

It doesn’t take long for me to reach my limit. My body riots, pushing whine after whine up into my gullet until I think I’ll vomit from stuffing them all back down.

What’s the matter with me? I never acted so crazy with the alphas at my last job. Never even felt like the purely emotional ball of hormones everyone seemed to insist I was.

But, here, that feels like exactly what I am.

Every little movement, every flicker of their features, affects me. When Ronan Ash catches my chemically altered scent and makes a face, I want to burst into tears. When Dr. Monroe’s pretty dark eyes fill with confused concern, my voice almost cracks. And when Declan Howard calls me out for not being a football fan, it’s all I can do to keep from snarling at him.

How dare he talk that way to me? He’s?—

Nothing. He’s nothing to me.

Because we are literal strangers.

My instincts and my logic play tug-of-war with my brain stem.

Sit down, my heart screams. Stay right here forever.

But my mind yanks back the reins.

Leave. Leave now before you perfume and they find out what you are and chase you out of here.

Or hunt me down and catch me.



I know that look.

Ronan is hungry. And the cute beta nervously leafing through paperwork is about to be lunch.

For the love of?—

Will a single day go by without someone in my pack acting like an asshole?

The woman is here for a job interview. She doesn’t need to be ogled or demeaned, but so far that’s all Declan and Ronan have done.

It’s a toss-up for which seems to bother her more.

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