Page 78 of Risking the King

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Stassia threw what looked like a diaper bag into the house. “She was worse than the last one. And that one was ten times more awful than the three before that.”


It sounded like Stassia was going through nannies like tissues.

“None of that is my fault, Stassia. I’m upholding my end of the deal.”

She laughed out loud, her voice holding a sarcastic tone to it. “You aren’t doing a fucking thing. You barely see your son. And in case you don’t remember—” her hands shot to her hips, and she leaned forward, “he was your fucking idea in the first place. You look after your screaming kid for once. That’s all he does all goddamn day and night. Cry, cry, cry. It’s driving me crazy.”

Her eyes suddenly rose up the staircase and landed on me. A snide smile crossed her face. “Well, well, well. Looks like you got exactly what you wanted. Didn’t you?”

I almost felt her claws come out. Thank goodness I was far enough away from her where she couldn’t strike.

With her claws, at least.

But Stassia had always been able to hit me harder with her words than with her fists.

I didn’t answer because—there was no answer.

I was here, in Carlo’s mansion. His baby—his son—his firstborn son—asleep in our room. Mine—and Carlo’s.

Not Stassia.

Never Stassia.

“I’ll call you later and I’ll have another new nanny at your place by this afternoon. But I swear to Christ, Stassia,” he moved the baby from one shoulder to the other, “if you scare off this one, too, you’re on your fucking own.”

Her eyes grew wide, and she took a step back. “Are you kidding me right now? This is not my fault. You keep sending over shitty, lazy nannies.”

Carlo shook his head and stepped forward, the door in his hand, ready to shut it. “No, Stassia. The problem is that you’re a bitch to them. Just like you are to everyone.”

One second after that, he shut—and locked the door in her face.

I had to stifle a small giggle that rose in my throat.

Carlo turned and looked up at me. “This is not your problem. I will look after him.” Then Carlo took off down the hall with a screaming baby on his shoulder.

A pounding noise on the door sounded, and Carlo immediately yelled, “Don’t fucking answer that! She made her decision.”


A chorus of cries came from the bedrooms behind me. Including Eve’s. “Oh, crap,” I heard her say.

I guess our day had officially begun.



I knew I had good babies. But I never really appreciated exactly how lucky I’d been in the whole baby lottery that was motherhood.

You never really knew how your baby was going to be when they came out. Would they be little quiet angels? Or angry, demanding hellions?

Either way, you didn’t know what hand you’d been dealt until the baby came out.

Dani had been an angel—and still was.

Marcello was much more demanding. But as long as his tummy was full, he was a good little guy.

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