Page 17 of Risking the King

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She woke up screaming. Every night.

And every night, she turned and clung to me in supreme terror.

Not much scared me in life anymore. But when Giselle was in the middle of a nightmare—that shit chilled me to the bone. Whatever she dreamed about every night—it was dreadful.

So, I guess some protection was better than no protection. And I was the largest male in the house. Likely her best bet at staying safe.

Marcello finished off his bottle, and I burped him.

And then I held him while he slept. “He has your smile, Giselle. And your dimples.” I gently grazed my finger over my son’s soft cheek.

“It’s just gas, Carlo. Settle down. He’s too young to smile yet,” Giselle said in an exasperated tone. At least she was talking.

“He smiles at me. And he smiles more when you’re nearby. I think he can smell you. Or sense that you’re close.”

She let out an annoyed sigh. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Shut up and let me go to sleep.”

I sat watching Marcello for a little while longer. Then I carefully placed him in the bassinet Eve had brought in here. He didn’t sleep in there all the time, but it did come in handy. His midnight feeding would start soon. So, I switched off the light and stretched out on the bed.

I actually caught a good hour of sleep before Giselle woke up screaming.



Out of all the things these people came in here to yap at me about, not one of them told me a thing about Sergio. Or where he was. Or if they knew anything that he was doing, or where he was going.

No one even mentioned the fact that he was still out there.

Hunting me.

And my babies.

What was wrong with these people?

They just went on with their lives like horrible danger wasn’t out there waiting to pounce.

Eve talked endlessly about swim lessons for the kids. Gymnastics lessons for the kids.

Music lessons for the kids.

I refused all of them for Dani. I told her she could put her own kids at whatever risk she wanted, but she was not taking my kid anywhere.

Dani was to stay under this roof until I said so.

Carlo still took Dani out to see the bunnies every day. I didn’t have the heart to take that away from her.

Carlo had assured me that he’d beefed up security around his place on every level. No one would ever get onto his property again—unless he wanted them there.

I had a hard time believing this.

Especially after Dani and I had been kidnapped from this very house. I didn’t trust anyone. Or anything.

Except deep in the middle of the night.

When the nightmares came.

Never in my life had I ever experienced such vivid dreams. I swore I was still at Sergio’s. Surrounded by women.

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