Page 104 of His Loyal Rebel

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Page 104 of His Loyal Rebel

"We're glad to have you here." She glanced at Angie, prepared for some kind of remark about how it was Whip who invited them, and not Twyla.

Angie stepped forward and awkwardly hugged her. Taken back by the show of affection, Twyla stiffened, patting her sister on the back, not knowing what else to do.

"Congratulations," whispered Angie.

She pulled back and studied her sister. There had to be more that Angie wanted to say.

"Um, thanks." She pointed toward the tables. "Did you get a piece of cake?"

Maybe she could put a couple slices in a box and send her sister on her way.

Whip's arm appeared around her again. She curled at his side, welcoming the strength he gave her.

"We were on our way to get a piece." Angie raked her upper teeth over her bottom lip. "I told mom and dad you went off and got married."

Of course, she had. Angie would take any opportunity to make herself look better. They probably talked about how Twyla never called or considered they'd want to know about her marriage.

Her pulse pounded harder. She couldn't imagine any good wishes from her parents, that's why she hadn't called them herself. They hadn't tried to contact her or send a message through Angie in over two years. Changes in her life meant nothing to them.

Whip kissed the side of her head. She swallowed. "What did they say?"

"They wanted me to tell you congratulations, and they'd like your new address to send you a card." Angie quickly added, "They're happy your new husband will be taking care of you."

And, there it was. The truth.

Her parents no longer had to worry about her disappointing them or ruining their life. She was someone else's problem.

She glanced at Whip. His mouth softened, and he whispered, "Yeah, sis. I'll be taking care of you. Real soon."

Instantly, the bad feelings were gone. She'd found someone who understood and loved her for who she was. He wasn't afraid to push her when he believed he was doing his best to take care of her, and he was undaunted when she argued back. He was here for the long-haul. Through thick and thin.

"I'll make sure I drop them a card in the mail." She smiled at her sister, letting her know that nothing could hurt her anymore. "You guys should go eat and enjoy the party. I think some of the men are starting fires in the barbecues soon." She turned to Whip. "Let's go get a beer."

They walked away together. Whip patted her ass. Giddy with how she'd handled her sister, she put her arm around him and leaned against his side.

After getting them each a bottle out of the cooler, they joined Rick and Tracy at one of the tables. She'd barely sat down, and Bethy toddled over and lifted her arms. Without hesitation, she picked the little girl up and put her on her lap.

With acceptance came ease. Tracy and her family had welcomed her without judging.

She no longer was afraid of holding the kids or doing something wrong. The children loved the affection, and she'd found out they were easy to entertain.

She looked over at Whip, talking with Rocky—letting him have a sip off his beer bottle. Contentment left her crazy for her husband. Seeing him with the kids, she wanted to experience that with their children.

Her throat squeezed, and she smoothed Bethy's hair down in the back. Her own children.

She could be pregnant.

They'd stopped using condoms the scariest night of her life.

Whip, sensing her looking at him or maybe that she needed him, turned his gaze on her. She smiled, all the wonderful emotions filling her.

His gaze softened, and he winked.

Her husband. Her man. Her new life.

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