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“She sounds fun. I’m glad I invited the three of you to movie night this week. And every week following. Since now someone doesn’t have the excuse of scaring everyone in his vicinity if his soulmate is around.”

Pollux’s brain lagged as he lifted his gaze. “What?”

“I invited you, Meda, and Kass to movie night.”

“You did what?”

A whiff of fear met him as Willow folded her arms. “Kass turns off the fear factor. You two can finally join the friend group. Movie night is where the found family rendezvous each week to cuddle and eat snacks. Be there or I will find her home address, drag her here, then drag you all into the woods myself.”

Pollux reined the power of his presence in as well as he could on his own. His mind ran rampant, but when it came down to verbalizing the cacophony of thoughts, all he could do…was swear.

Chapter 11


Now, remember, kids. Do drugs; stay in cults.

I dreamed again last night. But no dreamboy appeared.

And, obviously, I’m not disappointed.

For the record, I am also sane.

Stress crocheting numerous tiny succulents in my brief snatches of down time is—at its core—a healthy coping mechanism.

After giving Willow’s invitation a lot of thought throughout all last evening and during school this morning, I have made an executive decision. I will go, regardless of what Pollux says. I will use his response as a telltale sign. When he says he can’t make it, I will talk to Willow’s husband myself. With a pepper spray in my back pocket. Just in case.

Once I’ve uncovered the treachery of her husband, Willow will join my cause, and—since she gives off unflappable energy—I’m sure she will be successful in helping me rescue Andromeda from her evil father’s clutches, shank said evil father, and get off utterly scot-free.

It’s the perfect plan.

And step one begins now.

What is step one, you ask?


Standing in front of Pollux’s house, I take a deep breath and march.

The thunder of the knocker vibrates in my ears as I wait for Alexios to show up and ask for my soul again, or something.

Because my entire world is crazy.

And I am the last fortress of sanity standing between reason and anarchy.

One way or another, I will put everything all back into place. I will line each fragment up, repaint my sky blue, and make sure everything is okay again. Even if I have to do it alone.

The door creaks as a man bigger than Alexios opens it.

My heart responds, unwittingly, to the sight of Pollux, and things I still haven’t completely bleached out of my brain reappear in neon technicolor. My resolve shivers.

I tell it to pull on its big girl panties as I bring a smile to my face. “Good evening.”

He stares at me. After much too long a time, he blinks out of an apparent daze and echos, “Good evening.”


He’s probably drunk.

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