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He growls, “I am an evolved beast, Kassandra. Why have you met with Castor? Why has he touched your throat?”

“I don’t know. He poofed himself into my bathroom this morning and asked me to lend him my powers. I told him to ask again once I knew what powers I even have, because then I might help him depending on the situation.” I shove the bee in his face. “You’re supposed to ask me why I’m holding an angry bee.”

Taken aback, Pollux stares between the bee and me, opens his mouth, closes it. He composes himself enough to mutter, “I don’t know how the angry bee is relevant given the disturbing information you just provided. Castor should not be in contact with you, much less asking to use your magic.”

“Well, he is, and I saw him yesterday, too.”

“What?” Pollux roars. “Why didn’t you tell me last night?”

“We were…preoccupied last night.” I cough. “Besides, Alana and Willow were very calm about the entire thing. Didn’t seem like necessary information to provide you with given how aggressively Zylus reacted.”

Pollux’s grip on my chin solidifies. “Alana and Willow are extremely interesting creatures. Do not emulate them or trust their behavior in the presence of a morally gray individual.”


Them’s villain girlies.

Castor told me.

I shove my angry bee into Pollux’s chest. “If you don’t ask about this bee, I’m going to walk into the woods by Willow’s house and start calling Castor’s name.”

“Don’t you dare.”

I turn on my heel.

He spins me right back around fast enough to make me dizzy. Then he removes the ground out from under me as he scoops me up into his arms and marches us inside.

Alexios whistles as Pollux passes him at the doorway, so Pollux snarls before pounding up the stairs.

My head is still spinning by the time he sets me down in a perfect, lovely room with plush carpet, a large bed adorned in lace, and floor-to-ceiling skies painted on half the walls… The scenes surrounding me look so vaguely familiar they gives me pause. I swear I saw the deep red shades of the clouds on one wall in my dream just last night.

For the most part, the room is clean and vacant in a way that suggests it’s not been lived in yet.

In a way that suggests it’s being prepared for someone.

The second I find a tiny bee hidden among the clouds on one wall heat floods my body. I crush my angry crocheted bee in my arms and face Pollux. “Is this…”

“Your prison if you are determined to give me a heart attack.”

McScuse me?

He winces in response to however my face replies to that line, then he crosses his arms. “I care about you. Castor is dangerous. I don’t know what he’s planning or why in the world he decided to show up in your bathroom. If he got a hold of your powers…even just a drop…I don’t want to think about what he’d do with them. You are smart, but you are not yet familiar with this world. The urge to bubble wrap you and keep you in this space is quite demanding.”

“I appreciate the clarification of your emotions.”

He nods once.

“But we can agree that imprisoning the person who has done nothing wrong is the incorrect response, can’t we?” I arch a brow. “If you so much as dare to consider it, you better include a library in the deal.”

Pollux lights up. “I have a library. I can include a library. Is that all it takes? Consider it done. Shall I assist you in moving after school tomorrow?”

It seems I’ve underestimated exactly what I’m dealing with here. “It’s a joke. I’m making a reference to Beauty and the Beast. The Disney movie. Specifically.”

He searches my eyes, genuinely intent, then he says, “Which part was the reference?”

I sigh. “Pollux. Ask me about my angry bee before I locate the nearest cliff and thrust myself off it.”

“Is that…another reference.”

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