Page 113 of Rent Free

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“She’s in jail,” she told me. “And just sayin,’ but she has this sick condition. She will never say that she’s insane. She won’t admit it to herself. So there’s no doubt in my mind that the woman is going to be spending quite a bit of time in jail, thanks to you.”

I nuzzled her neck with my nose, and she widened her legs allowing my hips to fall between hers.

I growled, loving the feel of her body against mine.

It’d been a long few weeks.

At times, it felt like we’d never get to this moment.

Where I knew that we would make it.

But I felt the certainty in my soul.

“How do you feel about waiting for marriage?” I asked, feeling… nervous.


Me, a grown ass man, nervous?

She twisted, ending up on top of me before I could react.

“I think not,” she said. “I’ve been a very patient girl, and it’s time. I can tell.”

I grinned then. “Yeah?”

She bent down and kissed me. Only when we were both breathless did she say, “Yeah.”

“That’s what we were waiting for,” I teased.

Her shirt came off, followed by her bra. Moments later she was standing over me, and her pants came off, followed by her panties.

Then she was gesturing at me to get naked myself.

Unable to deny her anything, I was naked just as fast, and she was in my arms.

I rolled her, pinning her under me, and kissed her until we were once again breathless.

When I pulled away, her eyes were shimmering with unshed tears.

“What is it?” I asked, running a thumb underneath her eye.

She licked her lips before saying, “I just feel like this can’t possibly be my life.”

I shifted until my cock was at her entrance, then pushed inside.

She gasped, her back arching into me.

I moved slowly, keeping the pace so slow that I could stay in control, and said, “It’s real. This is real. I’m real. You and me are real. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Pepper Solomon.”

Her eyes widened.

“I know it’s not super romantic proposing like this, but I just can’t hide the way I feel from you anymore. And the only way you can know this is real is to realize how I feel about you when I ask,” I rasped. “Will you be my wife, Pepper? Will you marry me? Will you stay with me forever?”

Her fingers went to my cheeks, and she pulled my mouth down to hers. And right before our lips met, she whispered, “Yes.”

I was loathe to admit it, but I lost control at her words.

The moment the word left her lips, and her mouth met mine, my slow and steady love making went rough and intense.

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