Page 51 of These Family Ties

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Easing my finger back out, I capture her clit with my teeth again and suck. My fingers massage her sopping opening, and I continue to grind into the bed. Honestly, it’s a wonder she hasn’t woken, but even if she did, I don’t think I’d stop. I need my girl to come.

I continue to lap at her, my fingers working her folds until she arches her back with a groan, the sexiest breath of a sigh leaves her lips as she collapses back down, and her body twitches with the aftershocks of her orgasm. I lick around her a few more times, cleaning her release from her before settling her panties back in place. Her chest heaves as she catches her breath in her sleep, but I can’t help but feel a primal satisfaction at what I did for her.

Getting up from the bed, my pants are uncomfortably tight. My cock aching in my need for her. I’m not surprised. I’ve had dangerous feelings for Kyrie for a long time. They’ve only grown as she’s gotten older. Recently, with her dating, they’ve boarded on obsessive. Now, there’s no border. She’s my sole obsession.

Shit between us just became more complicated. Because I’m never letting her go.


I wake up feeling light, relaxed even. Surprising, considering how stressed I was going to sleep. Rolling over in bed, I stretch out the kinks in my muscles. A pang of sadness hits me when I remember it’s the weekend. I have no reason to avoid Owen, and the thought of hashing out what happened is enough to have me pulling my comforter back over my head to hide away. Maybe I can? Maybe I can just lie here, have a lazy Saturday and Sunday. Veg out in bed, read, do anything but face my grandfather after yesterday.

Just pretend it never happened. His strong arms didn’t hold me close, his muscular body didn’t pin me to the wall, his lips didn’t steal the most dizzying kiss I’ve ever had, and his hard cock wasn’t pressed against my wet center.

Yeah… I’ll just… forget about that. How my heart about galloped out of my chest when he kissed me. How I was ready and willing to open myself to him so completely. How a little piece of me wanted bad things to happen to Nate for interrupting us.

Yeah, I’ll forget, I’ll pretend. Then eventually, he’ll forget, and we’ll move on in blissful ignorance of what could have been.

I blow out a breath with a harsh chuckle. Who the fuck am I kidding?

After a couple of hours of lying in bed scrolling social media on my phone, I can’t ignore my stomach anymore. I haven’t heard too much movement or noise in the house, which makes me think Owen is lounging about like me or he left, unable to stand being near me after yesterday. Honestly, I’m not sure which I would prefer. Which is confusing as hell. With a groan, I roll out of bed and pad my way to the attached bathroom. I strip out of my T-shirt and panties, tossing them in the hamper before turning the water to scalding. A hot shower might make me feel human before I leave the comfort of my room.

I step under the hot spray, hissing when the steaming water hits my chilled skin. My body adjusts to the temperature, shivering under the cascade. Moving my head under, I allow the pound of the water streams to soothe the aches in my temples. It’s such a mess in my head, so many thoughts I can’t get rid of, that I don’t want to get rid of even though I should. The depraved things I’ve imagined since the night I saw him fucking that woman, killing that woman, should make me worry for myself. They’ve only been worse since that kiss yesterday. The images I saw in my head when he pressed himself against me, imagining him taking me like the savage I know he is. I shiver with the thoughts as my nipples tighten and heat pools in my lower belly.

He would too, I know it. He’d pin me in place with that heated stare I’ve come to crave and adore. The one that demands my attention and submission. He’d be gentle because he loves me. Caressing my face before tugging harshly at my hair, putting me just where he wants me before taking my mouth. I groan as the image morphs to him sliding his thick cock inside me, stretching me wide, and my hand travels down my stomach. Gathering the arousal dripping between my legs with my fingers, I imagine Owen pounding into me. It only takes a few pressured swipes against my throbbing clit before I’m shaking with my orgasm and biting down on my hand to keep from calling his name. Tears stream from my eyes as I come down from the aftershocks. I’m so fucked.


Leaving my bedroom is harder than I thought. After my impromptu orgasm, I stayed under the water until it ran cold, thinking about everything and nothing. I put on some sweatpants and another T-shirt, not having the energy for anything else. Then I stand in front of my bedroom door for a good ten minutes, psyching myself up to go downstairs. After several deep breaths, I finally crack open the door and creep my way into the hall. The house is quiet, no sign nor sound of Owen, and once again, I’m not sure if I like it or not. Toeing my way down the stairs, I keep my ears trained for the TV, the coffee maker, anything to tell me if he’s here. When my foot touches the hard, cold floor, I shiver. Inching to the kitchen, my heart pounds in my chest with anticipation. When I round the corner, though, the kitchen is empty. I turn to look in the living room to find it empty as well, then heave out a breath, but the relief is short lived. Where is he?

Going farther into the kitchen, I see a piece of paper on the counter with his distinctive script on it.


Sahib had an emergency I couldn’t ignore. I’ll be home as soon as I can, and we’ll talk.

All my love,


My heart sinks as I read the words again. With a sad sigh and nothing else to do, I make a sandwich and gather some other snacks to keep me content in my room the rest of the day. I have no plans to be productive today. I’m not motivated for anything, as a heaviness sits on my mind and chest since looking at Owen’s note. I suppose, on one hand, I should be thankful I get to avoid the awkward conversation obviously happening, based on his words. On the other hand, the quiet, empty house suddenly feels like a cavern. A lonely hole where only me and my unspoken feelings dwell.


Hours later, when I’m a season and a half into binging the latest crime drama, there’s a knock on the front door. I groan my annoyance as I shuffle all my snacks off my lap and throw off my comforter. I’ve been in bed all day letting my mind get carried away with other people’s fake problems instead of facing my own. But when you’re struggling with romantic and lustful feelings toward your freaking guardian, you’re owed a little mental break. Dragging my feet, I throw my hair up into a messy bun, then slink my way downstairs. I’m so tired despite sleeping pretty damn good. Reaching the bottom, I shuffle to the door and wrap my hand around the knob, expecting it to be a delivery or something, but my eyebrows shoot up to my hairline when I open the door. “Nate?”

The boy in question stands on my doorstep with a sheepish grin and shrugs as he slides his hands into his pockets. “Hi.”

We stare at each other in silence for a few minutes. Really, a few minutes too long, and I fight the urge to fidget with the awkward tension building. “Umm, what, why are you here?”

Not the most polite response, and I swear his jaw tics, but his face betrays nothing. I haven’t talked to him since yesterday when Owen told him to leave. It wasn’t the most warm and fuzzy of partings, so to see him with a soft smile honestly puts me off a little. He looks around and leans forward, peering inside my house before meeting my gaze again. “Is your guardian here?”

I narrow my eyes at his question. Does he want to talk to Owen? “Umm, no. He’s out.”

He sighs in relief. “Good.” At my furrowed brow, he elaborates. “I just mean he was really, uh, firm yesterday with me. I didn’t want to get my ass kicked for showing up on his property.”

I nod. That makes sense but doesn’t explain his presence. “So, what are you doing here?”

His face goes solemn, and he looks down to the ground, shuffling his feet. “I was hoping we could talk. Ya know? About us.”

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