Page 23 of Little Lunatic

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The room is silent now. The only sound our ragged breathing as we collapse onto the bed, spent and covered in blood. I can feel the weight of everything we’ve done pressing down on me, but it’s a comforting weight, one that makes me feel alive, more alive than I’ve ever felt before.

Caius wraps an arm around me, pulling me close, and I close my eyes, letting the darkness take me, knowing that when I wake up, everything will be different.

Because I’m different now.

I’m finally who I was always meant to be.

When I wake up, the world is different. I’m different.

But it’s not the way I thought it would be.

The high is gone, leaving behind a sharp clarity that cuts through the haze, making everything too real, too vivid. The bed is cold beneath me, the sheets sticky with dried blood. My blood, their blood—it's all the same now. I force myself to look around, to face the carnage I’ve created.

They’re still here. The bodies. Their lifeless eyes stare back at me, wide with fear, mouths frozen in silent screams. The girl’s throat is a jagged mess, the gash I made cruel and deep, her blood painting the walls, the floor, me. Her lifeless body is sprawled across the bed, twisted in a grotesque parody of sleep. The guy lies crumpled on the floor, his chest caved in where Caius crushed him. He looks young, younger than I thought last night. They didn’t deserve this.

None of them did.

Not the girl, or her boyfriend. Not the guy from the other night. But I killed them all, didn’t I? I was so fucking eager to please, so hungry for the power, the control, the love that Caius dangled in front of me like a fucking prize. And now… now they’re all gone, and it’s all my fault.

A sob tears its way out of my throat, the sound raw, animalistic. I clutch at my chest, trying to hold myself together, but I’m falling apart, unraveling at the seams. The guilt is suffocating, wrapping around me like a vise, squeezing the air from my lungs until I can’t breathe, can’t think. It’s too loud—everything is too loud. The pounding in my head, the silence of the dead, the echo of their screams still ringing in my ears. I want it to stop. I need it to stop.


Caius stirs beside me, his arm still draped over my waist. I hate the way it feels now, like a shackle holding me in place, chaining me to this nightmare. He wakes up, groggy and disoriented, his eyes narrowing as he takes in my frantic state. “Tatum,” he murmurs, his voice thick with sleep. “What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong? Everything. Everything is fucking wrong.

“I can’t do this anymore,” I choke out, my voice barely above a whisper. “I can’t… I can’t live with this.”

“Hey, hey,” he says, sitting up, his hand reaching for mine. “It’s okay. It’s okay, baby. We’ll get through this. We always do.”

But his words only make it worse. The more he tries to comfort me, the more I hate myself. I should blame him—he’s the one who led me down this path, who pushed me to the edge and watched as I jumped. But I don’t. I can’t. Because after everything, I still fucking love him. The one person in the world I’m not supposed to love, and I love him so much it’s killing me.

I don’t even realize I’m holding the knife until I feel the cold metal against my skin, the sharp edge digging into my palm. It’s the same knife I used last night, the same knife that sliced through her throat that ended her life in a spray of blood. I turn it over in my hand, watching the light glint off the blade, and for the first time in a long time, I feel calm. This is it. This is the only way to make it all stop.

“Tatum, no,” Caius says, his voice suddenly panicked as he realizes what I’m about to do. “Don’t do this. Please, don’t do this.”

But I’m already gone. I raise the knife, pressing the tip against my skin just above my heart. The pressure is a strange comfort, a promise of the silence I so desperately crave. I look at Caius, his face twisted in fear, in desperation, and it breaks my heart. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I never meant for it to end like this.

“I love you,” I whisper, the words breaking me, tearing me apart. “I’m sorry.”

“No!” Caius lunges for me, but it’s too late. The blade sinks into my flesh, cutting through muscle and bone, finding its home in my heart. The pain is immediate, sharp, and all-consuming, but it’s nothing compared to the pain in my soul. I twist the knife, driving it deeper, feeling my life drain away with every beat of my heart.

Caius is screaming, his hands covered in my blood as he tries to stop the bleeding, trying to save me. But it’s useless. I can feel everything slipping away, the world growing darker, quieter. The noise is fading, the pain is fading. I’m fading.

The last thing I see is Caius’s face, twisted in anguish, and the last thing I hear is his voice, broken and pleading, begging me to stay. But I can’t. I’m done. I’m finally free.

And then, there’s nothing. Just silence. Peace. An endless, all-encompassing blackness where nothing can hurt me anymore.

And I let it take me.


LaLion - Devil Himself

I’m frozen, my world shattering into a million pieces as Tatum’s body slumps against mine. The knife is still buried in her chest, her blood soaking through my hands, warm and sticky. It feels like time has stopped, the universe pausing in this one horrific moment where everything I’ve ever loved is being ripped away from me.

“No… no, no, no, no,” I mutter, my voice trembling, breaking as I pull her closer, her lifeless body limp against my chest. I can’t breathe, can’t think, the weight of what she’s done crushing me. “Tatum, baby, wake up. Please, just wake up.”

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