Page 12 of Little Lunatic

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But I’m not going to let her come, not yet. I pull my fingers out, watching as her eyes fly open, wide and desperate, a whimper escaping her lips.

“Not yet,” I say, my voice hard, commanding. “You don’t get to come until I say you can.”

“Please,” she begs, her voice shaking, her body trembling with need. “Fuck, Caius, I need it, I need you…”

“And you’ll fucking get it,” I promise as I unbutton my jeans and free myself. The tip of my cock brushes against her thigh, making her gasp and her eyes darken with lust. “But you need to remember who’s in charge. Who owns you.”

“You,” she breathes, her hands reaching for me, pulling me closer, her voice trembling with desperation. “You are, Caius, and I’m yours, completely. Please, just fuck me. I can’t take it anymore. I need you.”

That’s all I need to hear. I push into her hard and fast. There’s no easing myself in. Not tonight. Tonight, I bury myself inside her. Welcoming the feeling of her tightness as it stretches around me. She had to be a fucking virgin, she’s so fucking tight and fuck so perfect.

“Oh my god,” She cries out. Her voice echoes off the trees around us as her nails dig into my back. Her breath hitches as I start to move. I fuck her hard and relentlessly. Like I fucking own her. Because I do.

This is what I’ve been waiting for, what I’ve been craving. This moment, right here, with her beneath me, completely at my mercy, completely mine. And as I fuck her, as I push her closer and closer to the edge, I know that there’s no going back. Not for her. Not for me. This is it.

The point of no return.

She comes with a scream, her body tightening around me, and I follow her over the edge, my own release hitting me like a fucking freight train, hard and brutal and fucking perfect.

And when it’s over, when we’re both spent and panting, tangled together on the forest floor, I know that despite all I’ve gained with her, this is just the beginning. The beginning of something dark and twisted and fucking beautiful.

Because she’s mine now. Completely.

And I’m never letting her go.


PHIX, Ryan Oakes - Underneath

The next day…

The family home feels different now. It’s like it’s holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. Like it’s waiting for my mom to get home from her work day and bake one of her famous casseroles in the oven that hasn’t been touched since that night.

Since the accident.

The silence is thick and oppressive as I lay here. As if the walls themselves know what Caius and I have done. My skin feels too tight, my thoughts too loud, and I can’t escape the images flashing through my mind—the blood, the fear, the look in Caius’s eyes as he watched me pierce my skin with the blade of his knife.

Like he liked it. Got off on it.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I should be horrified, disgusted, repulsed by what we did in that forest. And I am, I think. But there’s also this part of me that enjoyed it. There’s something dark and twisted that coils in my stomach as the visions replay in my head. A sick sort of thrill that won’t go away no matter how much I try to push it down. I even spent hours in the shower last night, scrubbing my skin raw like it would make me feel better. Like it would cleanse me of the sins we have committed.

But it didn’t.

It’s like I’m teetering on the edge of something new, and I don’t know if I want to fall or if I’m already too far gone to stop.

I can feel the heat from Caius as he lays beside me. Always so close. His presence wraps around me, suffocating and comforting all at once. My body reacts to him in ways I don’t understand. Ways that it’s never reacted to any of the other guys I was with before him. My heart races whenever he’s near me, a mix of fear and something that makes me feel like I’m coming apart at the seams.

The morning sun is peering in through the broken blinds. I can’t bring myself to look at him, but I can feel his eyes on me. It’s like he’s waiting for something, waiting for me to say or do something. But what? I don’t even know what the hell I’m supposed to feel anymore. My hands won’t stop shaking, and I can still feel the ghost of his knife in my grip. The way the handle felt cold and heavy, the way the blade sliced through flesh like it was nothing.

“Tatum,” Caius’s voice is low, almost a whisper, but it cuts through the chaos in my mind, sharp and clear. “Look at me.”

I don’t want to. I want to run, hide, and pretend that none of this is real. But I can’t. I can’t escape him, can’t escape what we did. Slowly, I turn to face him. My heart rate increases, and my breath comes in short, shallow bursts as I meet his gaze.

His eyes are dark, intense, and they pin me in place like a starving predator watching its prey. He looks at me like I’m the only thing in the world that matters. When we were younger, I may have given anything to have him look at me that way. Like he’d go through hell to protect me like my friends older brothers would them. But I never got that. All I got was the cruel and cold side of him, and now that I find myself face to face with this version of my stepbrother, I wish I could go back.

Back to his bullying. His hatred. Because all of the pain he caused me was easier to accept than what I’m left with.

But I can’t. There is no going back, there is only going forward, and that’s what terrifies me.

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