Page 29 of Sing for Her

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Fuck, Harper...

What would Mia want, if Harper was here now? She would want Harper straddling her lap again, chest bare so Mia could tease her to her heart’s content. She could almost see Harper there when she closed her eyes, hair out of her face, cheeks flushed as she made sweeter music than Mia ever could on a stage. Another wave of the flowers’ scent washed over Mia as she pictured Harper, so close she could reach out and touch her. She needed her, in more than one way, in every way she could imagine. She pulled her shirt up to roll the petals on her bare chest, edging closer to her orgasm as her fantasy grew more intense. She wanted Harper in control, choosing to punish or reward her for good behavior, powerful and mean, but she also wanted the Harper that bucked in Mia’s lap while getting fucked, that said her name oh-so-sweetly as she came, and kissed her like she was water and Harper was dying of thirst.

She imagined Harper there as she tipped over the edge, groaning her name right into her ear, the heat of her breath on Mia’s neck so real she could reach out and touch her. This was her breaking point, and Mia cried out as she came, playing with herself as she rode the waves of her orgasm, hips reaching for stimulation that wasn’t there. Once she was too sensitive for anything more, she lay on the sofa, half-dressed and panting, nipples hard against the cold air and the smell of the flowers thick and heady. She could only hope her face wouldn’t be too red when she headed back downstairs in a little while.

Pulling her shirt back down, Mia got up to grab a clean pair of underwear to replace the ones she had soaked through. Walking back to the table once she had changed, she realized her mind was much clearer, and as she sat down to write a line came to her out of nowhere.

Your fragrance stains me.

It was only one line, but Mia knew from experience that one line was all it took to begin building a song. She flicked back through the notebook to a tune she had written a few weeks ago, and she began piecing a new song together.


If pressed, Harper would admit that she had grown fond of the Indigo Lounge since her first visit. She could see why it attracted the clientele it did, and, most importantly, she could see why Mia was so fond of the place. It didn’t hurt that it smelled absolutely gorgeous, either.

She tried not to look nervous as she walked through the front door. Harper had spent hours putting this plan together, trying to keep it away from anybody who might compromise it, including Deborah. She loved Deb, but the woman couldn’t keep a secret to save her life when it came to her friends, and it was important that everything went off without a hitch. This would be her one chance to prove herself to Mia, once and for all.

To her credit, Mia was easy to find. She was sitting at a booth in the corner, sipping one of the new seasonal specials, a Lavender Mule. Her notebook was open on the table in front of her, and she was scribbling quickly, hunched over. Harper’s heels clicked as she walked over but Mia was focused, not making a move. Harper slid into the booth next to her and she didn’t even look up, instead muttering, “Hi, Esme.” Harper gave her a nudge, trying not to smile. Mia’s face when she looked up was a picture of confusion followed by panic.

“Oh, uh, hello Harper! Sorry for not saying hi sooner, how have you been?” Mia didn’t pause for breath, rushing to stand, but Harper gently laid a hand on her shoulder and she sat down.

“I’ve been okay, Mia. How about you?”

“Not too bad, can’t complain, you know?”

Harper took a second. Here goes nothing. “I feel like I should apologize to you again.”

“What? No, Harper, we’ve already had this conversation, it’s okay?—”

“No, really, I should. I was hurt by the way you acted but that didn’t give me the right to hurt you, either. I should have talked to you about it properly. I’m sorry. I may be a good communicator in the industry but sometimes when it comes to my personal feelings, I freeze up.”

Mia visibly grew more comfortable.

“Thank you for apologizing, it’s appreciated, trust me.”

“There’s just… one other thing I wanted to talk to you about.”

Mia’s head cocked to the side. It was something Harper noticed she did whenever she was confused, and Harper didn’t want to point it out in case it embarrassed Mia and she stopped. It was unbearably cute.

“The team is working really hard to deal with everything Carson did, and I want to assure you that anything brought up in that mess won’t have to be dealt with again. Both of our reputations will recover. Once we’re both back to where we were, which I think will be soon enough, I don’t think it would be a good idea for us to work together anymore.”

Mia didn’t even say anything. Is this what she’s grown to expect? Harper asked herself as she watched Mia slowly nod. As if it was planned, Harper’s phone suddenly started ringing, and she checked the Caller ID before excusing herself. Mia said nothing, just nodded again as Harper got up and walked out the door to take the call. It was from

Aiden at the label.

“Hey Harper, just wanted to check in. Is Mia still coming today?”

“Hi Aiden. Yep, she is, we’ll be leaving in a minute, so I’d say we’ll be there in about half an hour. Is everybody there good to go?” Harper gulped.

“Absolutely! Everyone is really excited. See you in a while.”

Harper took a second to admire Mia before making her way back over to the booth. She was stirring her drink, looking defeated and a little upset. If Harper didn’t know better, she would offer to get her a second drink to cheer her up. Instead, she put on the most convincing panicked face she could muster and made a show of rushing over.

“Mia! Oh my God, I can’t believe this has happened, but I forgot to put one of your shows back on the calendar. That was the organizer, he just called wondering where you were. Could you go upstairs and grab a jacket? I’ve texted Michael, he’ll be here with the car in a few minutes. Hurry!”

Mia couldn’t get a word in edge-ways, instead nodding, downing the rest of her drink and running upstairs to get changed.

The car ride to the mysterious venue was quiet, with Mia applying messy black eyeliner. Trying to do any type of eyeliner in the back of a car will make it messy, but since that was what Mia usually went for Harper figured she wouldn’t mind too much. Michael had been briefed and made pretty convincing small talk with Harper on the ride over.

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